Hi again,
@som99, As a player of Teeworlds and the maintainer of packages of it in Debian and Ubuntu, I really must agree with you, it'd be awesome on the Pandora...
So I asked matricks (The lead developer of Teeworlds) about a Pandora version of Teeworlds, and he said he had managed to privately get it working on a GP2X. So a Pandora version looks good
Here's a log of the conversation on IRC:
<jscinoz> so matricks, you said you actually managed to get teeworlds working on a gp2x?
<void_> server only as far as I know
<jscinoz> hmm
<jscinoz> hmm
<jscinoz> the actual client though, could probably be ported to the pandora quiet easily, i remember you said the opengl features it uses are nearly entirely covered by OpenGL ES 2.0?
<void_> entierly i think
<void_> maybe have to yse some different function names though
<void_> mipmap generation might not be covered though
<jscinoz> so rough estimate, hypothetically if you guys had a devkit and started working on a port now, how long and how difficult would you expect it to be?
<jscinoz> and do you have any intention of an actual port at some point.
<matricks> jscinoz: I would say that it probably would take a week. rough estimate
<jscinoz> oh nice

and matricks, any intention of doing said port? I could probably try hope, i know a small bit of C++, could be an interesting learning experience

<matricks> jscinoz: I have no intention, but if I get a hold of a pandora.. it would be the first thing I would do

<jscinoz> ah i see. So if i were to attempt this, its really just the renderer that needs to be ported to OpenGL ES? There are no weird architecture things that have to be dealt with for arm?
<matricks> well, arm is big endian.. but that should be solved by now
<matricks> porting to opengl es shouldn
<matricks> shouldn't be a problem
<jscinoz> ah ok thanks for the info, i might familiarise myself with the pandora (preordered one but obviously dont have it yet

) and see if i can get it to work with the opengl es wrapper thing.
<jscinoz> btw, someone was asking on the GP2X forums about teeworlds on pandora, can i post this conversation in that thread?
<matricks> use
<matricks> one thing yuo might have todo is to scale the graphics a bit
<matricks> use= sure
<jscinoz> ah thanks
<jscinoz> hmm
<matricks> scale down textures etc
<jscinoz> ah
<jscinoz> wasnt sure what you meant by scale
<jscinoz> due to the lower RAM available?
In case you didn't glean it from the above, I'm going to try my hand at porting Teeworlds to Pandora, obviously I don't have a Pandora or a devboard, but I can at least port to OpenGL ES and test with the wrapper just fine.
No guarantees however if it will be completed or not, I'm kind of low on free time with school returning and starting my final year (NSW schools are weird like that, the final year starts in the last term of the year before >_<)