Tron Anyone?


Still Fresh
May 30, 2006
I always liked the old fashioned simple tron game. It's a fairly simple concept (I'm no programmer though) so I don't think it would be too hard to create. So I'm wondering, has anyone made a tron game, or are they planning to, and if not does anyone think they can?

am i mistaken or is tron on mamegp?
i just looked thru my 0.34 romset collection and its got tron
any 1 tested it?
No, that's the original arcade thingy. I'm talking about the game where you have to blobs, which leave a trail behind and you have to try and block of your opponent. There's a couple of Linux versions of this so it should be able to work on the GP2X.
There don't seem to be many simple SDL versions about, every one seems to want to make it 3D. Heroes looks good (I haven't tried it yet) but it isn't a simple version. It shouldn't be too hard to port though.
Tron is the simplest game in the world, so it would probably take longer to find an open source version to port than it would to just sit down and write the thing ;). I'll put together a gp2x version of BobTron later today if I get time.
It was quite a straight forward port.

Get your Heros here

Plays ok but the screen is only 320x200 - it'll take a while to sort out, it's hard coded and there are lots of hairy graphics e.g. rotozoom etc.