Vic20 Emulation


Still Fresh
May 21, 2005
Hi guys,

I'm after a Vic20 emulator for the GP32 or other handheld device.
The C64 is available and is even emulated on Mobile phones too.
But alas I haven't seen any Vic20 emulators available only for Mac or PC that require MS-DOS pref. Pentium.

I've looked at using a Pocket PC but I've found out it wouldn't run the main DOS emulator i've seen - VICE.

Anyone know of any handheld versions availble or in development?

It's a nice idea - I'd love to have one just so I could play Starship Escape, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I don't think there are enough people interested in the VIC-20 to make anybody port an emulator (VICE or something). Maybe Squidge would fancy writing one from scratch as a challenge... :D
Actually, I've just had a little surf around and found a thread on a board somewhere, where Skeezix was thinking about writing one. You never know, you might be able to pursuade him to...
exael posted on May 23 2005 at 07:07 PM said:
anything new to the GP32 is always welcome, that's my thoughts. If people don't know the system... They will eventually :P
thats true, I've learned about a lot of old systems I'd never have even thought about thanks to the GP32
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I've actually got a working beta of a VIC20 emulator that I wrote from scratch.
It's still quite an early beta but it boots up to BASIC and runs a few cartridge games.

There is no sound or tape support at the moment but I may start work on it again soon now that ZXGP32 is finished.