Still Fresh
I bought a pandora on eBay that is flashed and has no instructions. I set up picodrive and played toejam and earl 2 and populous. Issue arrised that saves states are not appearing when I need to load them. I blame this on the directory of files perhaps not being set up properly. I am very aware that i am only scratching the surface of the potential of my panda. so i am turning to you guys to remedy this.There are other things I want to have working but I am underskilled to set up. So I ask for help in this. I would be interested in buying a card that has some common retro emulators with roms on them. I also want amiga emulator set up and the bay12 game dwarf fortress set up using exagear and wine. I saw a blog about this by a guy on the bay12 forums in 2015 (search:dwarf fortress+pandora) if you can set up an sd card or memory device and would like to sell it to me that would be super cool as I'm at a loss setting up the pandora to do these things myself. Pm me if you can do this. Also don't worry about the amiga licence as I have bought a licence for the kick roms by purchasing cloanto's amiga forever plus download and disk, I just failed at setting it up myself (I got the amiga roms working on Windows though). My Pandora is a 1Ghz model so i know it will run dwarf fortress just a bit slowly. Other wishlist games I would like to run that I saw on pnd would be things like settlers, heroes might and magic, any point and click strategy game.
If you can do this pm me, cheers.
foggy, United kingdom.
If you can do this pm me, cheers.
foggy, United kingdom.
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