We still lack a 'complete' MSX emulator. Send help.


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
We have a pretty good MSX emulator in zx-81's PandoraMSX: http://zx81.zx81.fre...egories/130-MSX

Problem is, it doesn't have full keyboard mapping options. (I guess because the port was originally for GPH consoles). This means there are no Function keys, and that means you can't play Metal Gear properly.

I put in a request with zx-81 some time ago, but I don't think he's got the time for it. So we need a HERO. zx-81's source is available in the above link, although it may be more useful to go straight to fmsx, which his port is based on. There are other emus out there, but I'd like to think this was a fix job instead of a whole new port.

Would anyone bee keen to take a look? :) I will send cookies.
Oh wow, thanks for having a shot at this. I'm Pandoraless at work at the moment, but I've had a poke around in the PND and I see it's based on the existing port. Cool. :) Will bring feedback as soon as I am able!


Ok, the mappings are there with a few issues.

1. They are offset by 1 key (ie. F1 = F2)

2. Some are duplicated

3. They are extremely unresponsive, only working once every 5 to 10 presses

Here is the original MSX keymap for MG2, compared to the Pandora mapping:

MSX ......................................... Pandora

F1 ..... Pause .......................... F2, F7

F2 ..... Weapon select ........... F3, F8

F3 ..... Equipment window ... F4, F9

F4 ..... Transceiver ................. F5, F10

F5 ..... Save/load .................... F6

M or N ..... Punch ................... same

SPACE ..... Use weapon ...... space / Pandora X

M + SPACE ..... Crawl ........... not working at all

Mappings in italics were the same in the previous version of course. I tested that version for the reponsiveness of these controls, and it's marginally better, but it was clearly a problem that existed already. Lack of crawl option is also a bit of a game breaker, so that combo working would be most excellent. :)

Thanks again for looking at it.
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Ok, thanks for the test/feedback. Some remarks/questions :

  • Functions key offset : In fact, i have mapped PANDORA_F1 -> MSX_F0, hence the offset. I can easily map MSX_F1 = PANDORA_F1, but in that case i guess that MSX_F0 will be mapped to PANDORA_F11. OK?
  • Functions keys duplication : strange, because during my short analysis, the returned key codes are different. I will check that point this evening.
  • Controls responsivness : No clue on that, as i am completly new to this emulator (and MSX, by the way, i am more confident with Sega Megadrive and C64 HW :) )

As i want to help the community, i will continue to work sometimes on such topics. I will try to push a new version this evening :)
I see the dilemma with the mapping. The second option does sound good to me (MSX_F0 mapped to PANDORA_F11).

Duplication: I wonder if the game is duplicating the function as opposed to the emulator? I should try some other ROMs, something with a wide range of functions covering the F keys.

Look forward to any progress. :)
Sadly there doesn't seem to be much improvement in responsiveness. I might have some more useful feedback this time though. I tested some other games (Hinotori, Maze of Galious) and the results are the same. But in MSX Basic, everything works flawlessly. (You can enter Basic by choosing 'Reset MSX' without a ROM loaded).

I tested Basic in zx-81's version, and not only are the F keys not there, responsiveness across the whole keyboard is bad. In your release, it's perfect. (Incidentally I notice the old version defaults to uppercase, where yours is lower case. Probably means nothing, but mentioning it anyway).

So it seems that the emulator is only having problems reading key inputs when running a game ROM.
(Incidentally I notice the old version defaults to uppercase, where yours is lower case. Probably means nothing, but mentioning it anyway).
Well, mysterious side effect of my changes :) !

So it seems that the emulator is only having problems reading key inputs when running a game ROM.
Ok, thansk for the clear feedback. I will investigate on that.
After some checks :

  • I tried fMSX PANDORA against Metal Gear and the responsivness of keys is perfect, i do not see any issue. So i am a bit lost ... :) No idea on what is going wrong on your side (or on my side!)
  • Then i tried fMSX LINUX to investigate the SPACE + M case and in fact it does not work in the legacy version also. So...

BTW, i have fixed the upper case/lower case issue, now the SHIFT key is emulated properly.
Just to be sure, i don't know if ot changes something : i am using HotFix 6.

Are you sure to use the rigth PND ? During the development of my other project (ie TO8D emulator), i had some strange behaviors with multiple PND of the same ID.

Now, i delete the PND related to previous version and install the new one (ie always 1 PND for 1 software, i do not keep previous versions in the app folder).

In order to be on the same line, here my current dev version : http://www.lahiette.com/biboobox/download/msx-1.1.3.pnd with Uppercase/lower case support.

Anyway, i will do some more tests this evening.
yeah its not a good idea to have more than one PND with the same id as that is how they are uniquely identified by the system.
I keep a 'superseded' folder on my cards for old PNDs, so there aren't any clashes. I did have an older PND present on the other card, but I've now eliminated that suspect. I've cancelled out an SD card issue by running PND + ROMs from different cards. Tested in Minimenu and XFCE.

The last thing I can think of is that I only ran the PND install for Hotfix6, instead of a full flash. There have been some little issues with that, so I'll do a flash tomorrow. This requires opening the Pandora, because the left SD card is stuck in there (my fault) and doesn't seem to play with firmware flashes. ffffffff :lol: Ah well, this moment had to come.
Last idea : i am running at 600 Mhz by default. Did you delete the appdata/msx stuff ?

If it is related to the HotFix 6, i still do not understand why the keyboard is OK in the ROM-BASIC mode and why it is weird in the "game" mode. As far as i see, there is no differences in the running fMSX code.
Yep, I've been clearing out appdata between versions. Just tried setting clock speed to 600 (I run at 700 by defaul), no love. Flash time. Thanks for your ongoing effort. :)