Mmm. Somehow I knew that my text would annoy someone, I am really sorry about that :unsure:
I agree that there are stuff out there which can have preety addictive gameplay without the graphics and believe me I would preety enjoy such games (spout is a good example). But several games seem to be done in a hurry, with cut'n'paste graphics, the newbie's happiness "Wow, I've made a game!", few other examples are game demos with few levels or no sprite collision, some are done in Fenix (I shouldn't have a problem with that, there are few playable stuff here), and usually many who are good works technically seem to also pair well with gameplay (not because of the details, but it seems that there is an overall wish for good work in all terms). Though, oneday I even started loosing interest for the good titles too. I know several of the games mentioned here, I consider them well made, though I deleted them from my SMC because I am not motivated to play anymore. After thinking it for a while, I came into the conclusion that one thing several homebrew games miss is replaybility. Maybe because they are not fullblown games with either attractive graphics/sound or a big story, they do have a simple idea though that is attractive but only for a while.
Also, I just feel sometimes that the GP32 lacks the people who could make something exceptionally good (either in technical or design terms), with some exceptions of course (Another thing that puzzled me is also why there is no real demoscene in the GP32).
Yep, I am the Optimus who can code
Several months ago, after I checked the situation in the homebrew games, I had the wild idea in my mind to start coding a game. That's because I thought some game genres were missing the good titles (I've yet to see any good racing game or rpg. Maybe I'll check the download section again..) and I wanted to code something myself. I was more into demos and haven't coded a simple game in my life, not because I can't but because I was occupied by democoding all these years. Maybe I'll try something in my incoming GP2X soon
Again, I am sorry if I sound too annoying for you. The Gp32/Gp2X homebrew scene is a living organism, that involves for it's reasons mostly game/emulator enthousiasts, newbie coders, rather than the very technical democoders or experienced game designers. Well, I hope this changes in the future, but I shouldn't be the one to cry out loud about that and curse newcomers. I could just contribute with something better and you are right that if not many people are into homebrew stuff there is no motivation for creating something better. It's also a reason why some democoders got bored of the platform and the demoscene wasn't involved enough. Some of these coders said that the GP32 scene is mostly interested about emulators, ignoring the gaming/demo scene. But it's a living organism and if more people want to go towards that way, I can't do anything rather than being frustrated or contribute with something better as you said. And I agree with that, I just sometimes tend to show my frustration around. I hope you understand me, no hard feelings involved
And thanks to all for the titles. There are few that I didn't know and sevearl others that I had encountered before and considered them good ideas at times but forgot them totally (They still lack that replayability factor
Signing off..
I agree that there are stuff out there which can have preety addictive gameplay without the graphics and believe me I would preety enjoy such games (spout is a good example). But several games seem to be done in a hurry, with cut'n'paste graphics, the newbie's happiness "Wow, I've made a game!", few other examples are game demos with few levels or no sprite collision, some are done in Fenix (I shouldn't have a problem with that, there are few playable stuff here), and usually many who are good works technically seem to also pair well with gameplay (not because of the details, but it seems that there is an overall wish for good work in all terms). Though, oneday I even started loosing interest for the good titles too. I know several of the games mentioned here, I consider them well made, though I deleted them from my SMC because I am not motivated to play anymore. After thinking it for a while, I came into the conclusion that one thing several homebrew games miss is replaybility. Maybe because they are not fullblown games with either attractive graphics/sound or a big story, they do have a simple idea though that is attractive but only for a while.
Also, I just feel sometimes that the GP32 lacks the people who could make something exceptionally good (either in technical or design terms), with some exceptions of course (Another thing that puzzled me is also why there is no real demoscene in the GP32).
Yep, I am the Optimus who can code
Several months ago, after I checked the situation in the homebrew games, I had the wild idea in my mind to start coding a game. That's because I thought some game genres were missing the good titles (I've yet to see any good racing game or rpg. Maybe I'll check the download section again..) and I wanted to code something myself. I was more into demos and haven't coded a simple game in my life, not because I can't but because I was occupied by democoding all these years. Maybe I'll try something in my incoming GP2X soon
Again, I am sorry if I sound too annoying for you. The Gp32/Gp2X homebrew scene is a living organism, that involves for it's reasons mostly game/emulator enthousiasts, newbie coders, rather than the very technical democoders or experienced game designers. Well, I hope this changes in the future, but I shouldn't be the one to cry out loud about that and curse newcomers. I could just contribute with something better and you are right that if not many people are into homebrew stuff there is no motivation for creating something better. It's also a reason why some democoders got bored of the platform and the demoscene wasn't involved enough. Some of these coders said that the GP32 scene is mostly interested about emulators, ignoring the gaming/demo scene. But it's a living organism and if more people want to go towards that way, I can't do anything rather than being frustrated or contribute with something better as you said. And I agree with that, I just sometimes tend to show my frustration around. I hope you understand me, no hard feelings involved
And thanks to all for the titles. There are few that I didn't know and sevearl others that I had encountered before and considered them good ideas at times but forgot them totally (They still lack that replayability factor
Signing off..