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ReGBA v1.45 for OpenDingux 1.45

  • Author Nebuleon, pcercuei and JohnnyonFlame, Dingoo A320 build by Gaku_Kano
  • Creation date
Features of the emulator

You can look at these features in the ReGBA Manual on your device. Press Select with ReGBA selected in gmenu2x, then choose 'Show manual of ReGBA'.

*Loading ROMs, both uncompressed and compressed in zip format.
*Synchronised video. Optionally scaled to full screen, and optionally preserving the aspect ratio of the image, using two scalers.
*Synchronised audio.
*In-game saving and saved states (see below for more information about saved states).
*Rebinding for all GBA buttons. The emulator has a menu you can enter with a customisable hotkey (default is X). You can use the menu to reset the game, exit to gmenu2x and set some settings. They are saved to a file, so you can use your favourite scaling, FPS counter, boot screen, remapping and hotkey settings all the time.
*Per-game settings, so that you can use the same settings for most games but override them as needed. Press Select at the ReGBA Main
*Menu for the per-game settings.
*Bundled game_config.txt for greater compatibility, as well as overrides in /local/home/.gpsp/game_config.txt.
*Bundled open-source GBA BIOS replacement by Normmatt, as well as the ability to drop the Nintendo GBA BIOS in /local/home/.gpsp/gba_bios.bin.
*A border when the GBA image is shown on the screen without scaling. You can override this border by putting one at /local/home/.gpsp/border.png.
*Automatic and manual frameskip.

Default Keys:
X = Open the main menu.
Nebuleon, pcercuei and JohnnyonFlame, Dingoo A320 build by Gaku_Kano
First release
Last update
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