Air video client? Upnp? useful streaming video options..


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I don't track 'on the fly transcoding servers' much; traditionalyl for linux hosts and linux clients they're a walk on razor blades, but they do exist. (Most of the servers are in java these days, which can be handy..)

Anyway, my phone can stream from an Air Server, for instance; is there an existing video player option for our beloved platform?

PanPlayer is our current champ for local file playing; being that its mplayer, it shoudl stream nicely. Streaming on sshfs or smbfs is not great since our wifi performance can be hit or miss, and thats really dependany on streaming full resolution files, and naive buffering.

Anyone fiddled with PanPlayer's mplayer component (pulling it out of the pnd for instance) or otherwise building mplayer, or fiddling with vlc, _etc_, to get streaming auydio to work _usefully_?

I know I know I could delve into it, but time is tight for me right now, so heres to hoping someone has looked into it :)

Anyone fiddled with PanPlayer's mplayer component (pulling it out of the pnd for instance) or otherwise building mplayer, or fiddling with vlc, _etc_, to get streaming auydio to work _usefully_?
I'm probably missing something here, but Audacious ?