[Application] SOLEIL


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
"Beyond the boring clouds, there's the Sun" - Louis XIV's Linux Counsellor.


SOLEIL is a SL4P, Slackware for Pandora, acting as a PXE server, so you can boot x86, 32 or 64 bits computers with it.

You have a bunch of integrated tools to repair, clone, test.

But the main goal is to have a portable workstation. You work on the Pandora everywhere, and when you have access to a x86, you boot it with your Pandora and continue to work on a big screen, accessing all data on your OP account/shared folder.

Also, you can boot a whole network with the OP.

It's part of the setup i created at work, which booted 300 student's PC.

Works well on CC and 1GHz OP, therefore on RB too.

512M ram is recommended if you plan to run, let's say, more than 5 to 10 active computers.



Get SOLEIL here:


Follow the standard SL4P installation procedure:


A 16G card or more is needed.

A standard 100Mbps usb-ethernet adapter is needed + a crossover cable. A normal cable may work, depending of your setup.

I know only one usb-ethernet which does 1000 Mbps:


Didn't test it yet, but it should work, and be used if you want to max out efficiency.

Of course, a 1000 Mbps switch will be best for > 2 workstations.

The Pandora ethernet adapter has the adress.

You have to edit /etc/dhcpd.conf, and replace the 00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC with your main PC one.

This will give the to your machine, and this is the admin IP, the Slackware filesystem will be mounted as read-write.

Other MAC will be considered as read-only clients, and can also boot flawlessly.

Connect all, set up your PC to boot over ethernet.

Boot SL4P, create user, then boot the PC.

It is recommended to boot at least once a main admin PC to automatically run some x86 install scripts.

Actually, these are the current choices, and state:
-Slackware: 32bit bootable, persistent filesystem. Works.

-Slackware: 64bit bootable, persistent filesystem. Works.
-Slackware 32bit and 64bit, installers. Works.
-Dyne:bolic: based on Debian, music-centric distro. Needs 2G ram. Works.
-System rescue cd: Gentoo-based. Tools for repairs. Works. Filesystem download seems erratic, but it's ok.
-Gparted: Debian-based. Tool to format/resize partitions. Works
-Ghost for linux: tool to backup hard drives, partitions and files. Works. Needs a ftp server, trivial to enable.
-Diagnostic tools, different versions of memtest, and a hardware viewer.

-Local boot: boots the local hard drive.

-Readme: anger vs the bad guys.

-Reboot: works.

-Power off: should work on apm-enabled machines.

The image is less than 4G.

My build system is versatile, SOLEIL can be built from a PC (fast) or the Pandora (very slow), and i plan to integrate it into standard SL4P releases, at least as a package.

I have a TODO list and i'll update this front page along each update.
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So my project will be secret during the development, and i'll probably keep it as secret when it will be finished, so i won't release it at all.

It's so secret i don't know myself what it is.
Did you put that super duper secret idea in devolopment since those secret years? you secret mister swat! :p
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I'm sorry Sir, i can't answer this question Sir, this is confidential information Sir.
That french lil swat ponting a secret gun at me and stuff thinking that he is big with that secret project he is hiding...
nice anyways I wish you the best at the devolpment of the secret project and slakware ^^
Some program that makes everyone pay one cent when starting a slackware session :p .
I know! A mame extension that requires you to donate 10p to the preorder fund before playing - just like inserting coins.

Relive the cost of playing arcade games...?
I saw ptit'Seb today in my shop for a LCD swap, he will give it a try for Zaxxon.
Indeed I am, but with no succes for now. I have all dependencies checks, the "./configure" is ok, the "make fetch" also, but the "make" part fail rapidly. It seems some steps are missing, ike if files are not copied where they should... Still working on it...
I've just created the first folders for my new project build system (i like having build systems, because they work while i'm in my bath), and i'm almost sure about the name i'll give to it.