[Applimulator ;)] apkenv + apkenv.ui

@Super Roach: this is app is mainly written in java, so not working with apkenv
In theory yes, in practice it's way too difficult so I'd just say no.

Feel free to prove me wrong though.
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Thanks for the heads up about it, wasn't aware. :)

@askarus , The OP has outdated python libaries which was giving me trouble in the first place, which is why I was thinking of using the android version.
Any chance on getting Stealth Bastard to work (the HumbleBundle version works with the Gingebread release for the Pandora, but have no interest in starting Android on the Pandora) ?
Sorry to be a pest but care to summarise some of the difficulties?  I just want to understand a little more why it is difficult.
As far as I know is the Android Java a register Machine and the normal Java Stack machine based. So the byte code is not compatible. If there would be a register based virtual java machine for the pandora it would work I think.


Good links:


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Any chance on getting Stealth Bastard to work (the HumbleBundle version works with the Gingebread release for the Pandora, but have no interest in starting Android on the Pandora) ?
could work (looks like a gamemaker game). but i'm not in the mood/state/whatever at the moment to work on any private project. a bit burned - didn't even turn my computer on at home for 2+ weeks now, sorry.
Sorry to be a pest but care to summarise some of the difficulties?  I just want to understand a little more why it is difficult.
As far as I know is the Android Java a register Machine and the normal Java Stack machine based. So the byte is not compatible. If there would be a register based virtual java machine for the pandora it would work I think.


Good links:


I also found this: http://code.google.com/p/android-dalvik-vm-on-java/

They all are from 2009 so did everyone just give up? Hmmm
Sorry to be a pest but care to summarise some of the difficulties? I just want to understand a little more why it is difficult.
It's not just a matter of getting their Java to run, we'd have to drag most of their system libraries in which all depend on Android services like Audio/SurfaceFlinger, mediaserver and many others, To get those services going we'd need their own dependencies, lots of native libs, Android graphics/audio/whatever drivers, binder and ashmem. To get those last 2 working, you need to use Android init process (otherwise IPC won't work), plus you have to have all other processes started through their dedicated process called zygote.
Perhaps those system services could be faked or the system library could be rewritten to not depend on all that crazy stuff, but I'd rather not work on something like this..
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Minor bug: In Plants Vs Zombies - in the Almanac, you can't scroll the plant descriptions (not sure about zombie descriptions, didn't check)
Any chance on getting Stealth Bastard to work (the HumbleBundle version works with the Gingebread release for the Pandora, but have no interest in starting Android on the Pandora) ?
could work (looks like a gamemaker game). but i'm not in the mood/state/whatever at the moment to work on any private project. a bit burned - didn't even turn my computer on at home for 2+ weeks now, sorry.
No need to apologize, just wanted to make a suggestion. Hope you get your motivations up soon again (not in particular for apkenv)
Ah yes, sorry, missed that
No problem. As far as I know it does not have any impact on the game itself (i.e. it does not prevent you from progressing in the game), but I am not sure if I went far enough to say that :)
Actually, it does limit the selection of plants you can start the round with, once the list exceeds one page.
@pmprog, could you upload your save state or something? it should reside somewhere inside appdata/apkenv/<name_of_your_apk> . would be easier to track the issue down :)
I think you can get scrolling page in credits/help or something like that which will have the same problem without having to progress in the game.
Attached in case you still need it.

BTW - I'm trying to build apkenv on my Pandora, and the CodeBlocks project says it can't find SDL_mixer; however, in my usr/lib, there's libSDL_mixer.so and several other files (with version numbers, some are symlinks), so it is there.

Edit: Okay, fixed the SDL_mixer thing, added it to the codeblocks/appdata/local/lib folder; however, I'm now getting the following error

undefined reference to 'my_eglGetProcAddress'
undefined reference to 'my_eglGetDisplay'


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