Release Ballerburg SDL - Remake of an Atari Classic


Laptop und Trachtenjanker
Oct 8, 2008
the mockracy
Ballerburg SDL Beta PND

Ballerburg is a game in which two castles seperated by a mountain take turns at shooting each other with their cannons in order to weaken their opponent and eventually force the enemy castle's king to surrender. Originally developed for the Atari by Eckhard Kruse in 1987 this has been remade using SDL and now recompiled to run on the Pandora. You can find information about the original at http://www.eckhardkr..._st/baller.html

The name of the game is German and could be interpreted as 'PewPew Castle'

Download: http://kuru.k-worx.n.../ballerburg.pnd

'F' toggles fullscreen

'Esc' opens the game's menu. Among other options you can set the game to a configurable AI instead of a human opponent, the latter being default setting.

Click on the elements of your castle to interact.

More infomation at http://www.eckhardkr..._st/baller.html (original) and (SDL port)


Nice :) So many hundreds of versions of this classic game back so long ago, but not too many around nowadays.. many kudos!

FINALLY! : D so happy!

works very well. also fullscreen ; )
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Lol, I know the Name and the game but I had no Idea that it was actualy that old, interesting. :) Always a funny type of game to play.
Thank you for the feedback, happy to bring back memories. Ballerburg is now available on the repo.