Can I Still Buy A Gp2X


Active Member
Sep 4, 2009
Hi, im really not feeling the Wiz (dpad and smaller screen) and was wondering if anywhere had any stock of the GP2X.
It feels like a much better device after using my friend's but can't find any apart from on E-bay witch i don't wanna buy one
I don't think you're going to find any, GPH discontinued it before the Wiz was even announced. I did hear someone had stock at some point but I don't remember who and I'm be surprised if they weren't out now. Did you want an F100 or an F200? I'm surprised anyone would find the controls on either preferable to what's on the Wiz. What kinds of things do you play?
Thanks for that.. I dont mind witch one. not too fussed about the touch screen of the f200.. I want it mainly for snes, MAME, and genesis stuff just to tie me over till I get my Pandora. It's just the wizz dosn't have seperate controls for the action buttons so holding 3-4 button combos will be impossible. My friend replaced the nub on the f100 and it works great.. plus I really wanna play snakes on dope i have seen a video of it running on the wiz and it didn't look quite as good on the smaller screen.
The face buttons are separated, it's not just another d-pad. No one has reported any problems with holding multiple buttons simultaneously and I've never had such problems either. The screen is smaller but it's also higher contrast and has better blacks than GP2X. Even if you like the GP2X F100 stick there's just no real way it can compete with a dpad for emulating platforms that originally used one, like SNES and Genesis.
mvickers03 said:
Hi, im really not feeling the Wiz (dpad and smaller screen) and was wondering if anywhere had any stock of the GP2X.
It feels like a much better device after using my friend's but can't find any apart from on E-bay witch i don't wanna buy one
I have one GP2X F200B you could have it is in new condition it comes with a copy of the CD but no box, I am selling it because I am going to get a miniature laptop
and the price $150Australian airmail posted to the world
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or...God forbid...a dingoo a320.

Cheaper, more powerful and (most importantly) available without risk.

Also has split right hand buttons (like you requested).
Hi, thanks for all the replies. the gent above (redbaron) has kindly sold me his f-200. great price aswell I think.

Thanks Exophase, I Didn't blatently ignore your advice I just think the f-200 is more suited for me. plus the f200 i bought was half the price of the Wiz and if all goes well i'll have my Pandora Nov/Dec

Happy days :)
Thanks to all who posted in this thread. I'v had my f200 for 24hrs now and am really happy with it! I installed open2x and several emulators (Amiga,Snes,Genesis) and all work at fullspeed (Amiga needs frameskip and slight over clock but very playable) So yeah im now a happy GP2X owner. Also have been playing around with scummvm which is great! I didn't get very good results playing monkey island 3 (not too suprised about that though TBH it's a big game) and beyond and so far have found no way to overclock it.

If anyone knows of any must have GP2X software please post and I'll have a look. I like all sorts of stuffs so let me know what all your favorates are.

Thanks :)
mvickers03 said:
Thanks to all who posted in this thread. I'v had my f200 for 24hrs now and am really happy with it! I installed open2x and several emulators (Amiga,Snes,Genesis) and all work at fullspeed (Amiga needs frameskip and slight over clock but very playable) So yeah im now a happy GP2X owner. Also have been playing around with scummvm which is great! I didn't get very good results playing monkey island 3 (not too suprised about that though TBH it's a big game) and beyond and so far have found no way to overclock it.

If anyone knows of any must have GP2X software please post and I'll have a look. I like all sorts of stuffs so let me know what all your favorates are.

Thanks :)

The ScummVM problem might have accidentally inherited an SDL bug that has since been squashed. I'll try to look into it and let DJWillis know.

As for overclocking ScummVM you can do this when using gmenu2x which happens to be what Open2X uses for its main menu. You hit select when the ScummVM link is highlighted in gmenu2x and select "Edit scummvm". Change the Clock entry to something higher than 200 and now it should be overclocked. Also go to the Settings section of Open2X, go into the GMenu2X settings link and scroll down to find the "RAM timings always fast" setting and change it to ON if it is not already. This increase in RAM timings can permanently give a nice little boost to most apps launched after it is set.

Try downloading my port of Abuse, it supports the F200 :) The best two homebrew games specifically made for the GP2X in my opinion are Alex's SqDef and Ruckage's Animatch. Animatch with the F200 touchscreen rocks.
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Thanks that's great.

Nice job on the Abuse port! I really like the touch screen support. the intro made me laugh "The year is 2009" really good game so far with great graphics.

SqDef is pretty good as well, my mate yodaofborg told me to try it out last night, Animatch is a very well made game indeed. It feels like something you would pay money for on the DS.

ScummVM loads and plays monkey island 3 perfectly full speed during cut scenes it's just about 1/3rd of its normal speed in game(even overclocked to 270) then crashes after a short while displaying the ScummVM console, Sam n Max,Day Of The Tentacle, and full throttle work perfectly .

Thanks again mate. :)
amazon jp and yahoo auction jp still has new gp2x for sale:©`F200/dp/B00104WNKK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1258438680&sr=8-2
That's Great. The auction seems pretty cheap, the Amazon item seems very expensive! 198.648 GBP minus the shipping. thanks for the heads up ;)