Release Cocoa-DOOM


Dec 14, 2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It's chocolate-doom (from Fraggle) with a crappy launcher and some Pandora specific tweaks and improvements. It was compiled from experimental v2-branch using the awesome Code Blocks PND from p'titSeb. The package was built with PNDtools from foxblock. I know we already have chocolate-doom from Pickle in the Repo, it was just an easy building test.

Look here for the latest package (It's in the repo).

The menu can be eddited with mousepad. In /media/BOOT/appdata/cocoa_doom there is a file called game_list which is read by the menu when the pnd starts. Each menu entry are two lines, the first one is the title to show in the menu and the second one is a regular command line to execute the game. You can add (or delete) as many games as you want.

Link to the game_list I'm using.

Hexen issues are due to two problems (at least it seems like this...):
1- WAD version related. Chocolate-hexen need the latest version (is 1.1). You can see this at boot or actually you can know that your wad is incorrect because demos will crash the game.
2- Save folder related. The best way to check this is by starting a game and trying to save. If the game crashes, you can edit hexen.cfg in .chocolate-doom folder. Look for the line that starts with savedir and modify it like this:
savedir ".chocolate-doom/savegames/hexen.wad/"
So, finally no nand writes at all.

WolfenDOOM. From all the missions and episodes I've tried only Spear of Destiny had issues. Here's a modified sod.deh that fixes Spear of Destiny (there was some sprite replacement forbidden to vanilla dehacked). So inaccuracies are to be expected on this episode.

GUS emulation. Allows to load GUS patches.

Timidity configs. Allows to load Timidity configs.

Better naming on the zenity menu and small changes (hoping this makes some sense now).

Now including preview pics.

Better packaging.


Feedback is welcome!
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Weird. I've just tried Cocoa-Doom, and it seems to be plagued by exactly the same mouselook issue as HHexen and HHeretic, albeit without the sensitivity.

Basically the horizontal axis is messed up, like it has some strange partial inertia. If you look to the right, then look left, the camera continues rotating to the right, then slows down and finally moves to the left, provided you keep moving the mouse or joystick. Since the mouse speed isn't as balls-out hyper sensitive as with HH, the weird behavior is more clearly seen. It's weird that both HH and Cocoa suffer this horizontal mouselook axis problem. Chocolate DOOM doesn't suffer this issue, but cannot play Hexen, due to end-of-level crashing.
Hexen crashes are probably related to the wad version, check that its the latest 1.1. Cocoa is compiled from chocolate sources, the mouse issue maybe was introduced with the scaling feature (can you try to see if that happens there?) I didnt notice since I dont use mouse. Thanks for reporting, I look into it when i get home.
Loonie ,I have done some testing and its possible to have a workaround.

1) Set both nubs to joysticks.

2) Find the file chocolate-doom.cfg in .chocolate-doom.

3) Set joystick_index to 1 (1 for right nub, 0 for left nub).

4) Find the file default.cfg in .chocolate-doom.

5) Set use_joystick to 1.

Now you should have a working nub for turning and moving forward/backward. I can package Cocoa to have this by default. But theres a catch.

There is no option like "novert" to disable the vertical axis for the nub. (I'm assuming that you want to use the nub for turning).

I'will try some dirty hack to cripple the vertical axis, recompile and repackage.

Edit: Done. It works now.
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Something I've just noticed: When running the setup, if you use the option to test the controls, the mouselook works properly. Likewise, if you select "save config and launch Hexen", the game is started up in a window, and mouselook works as well.

It seems to be when the game is started up conventionally that the mouselook problem occurs.
Something I've just noticed: When running the setup, if you use the option to test the controls, the mouselook works properly. Likewise, if you select "save config and launch Hexen", the game is started up in a window, and mouselook works as well.

It seems to be when the game is started up conventionally that the mouselook problem occurs.

You are correct, I couldn't get mouse to work right with notaz SDL (Cocoa-Setup don't use this, that´s why mouselook works there). I switched to joystick use because nub's works fine with notaz SDL (same for DXX-Rebirth).
Notaz SDL prevents the mouse working? Hmm, I'm going to need to think about what to do in my own projects. Some will require a working mouse.
Notaz SDL prevents the mouse working? Hmm, I'm going to need to think about what to do in my own projects. Some will require a working mouse.

Maybe, I'm not sure about it. Maybe I'm using it wrong.

Edit: Here is some interesting talking about mouse, touchscreen and modified SDL.
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i'm probabaly being really thick here but, where do i put my WADs? They currently live here: /pandora/appdata/cocoa_doom/.chocolate-doom and are not running, i have also tried them here: /pandora/appdata/cocoa_doom with no luck
They can go anywhere you like, it's just a matter of editing the game_list file. I personally use /pandora/appdata/cocoa_doom. The default game_list supports the commercial wads in that folder (doom.wad, doom2.wad, plutonia.wad, tnt.wad, heretic.wad, hexen.wad and hexdd.wad).

Tell me what wads are you trying to use so I can help you.
They are the WADs i was using for cDoom i just transfered their location, they are as follows: DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, HERETIC.WAD,HEXEN.WAD, plutonia.wad, tnt.wad & STRIFE1.WAD
neither, that particular SD card is NTFS format. i guess this is the problem.
Maybe. But there are some options yet.

Try this:

1) Copy the attached game_list to your /pandora/appdata/cocoa_doom. I changed the upper/lower cases to match those of your wads names. If it works, then it's related to an upper/lower case problem.

or this:

2) Use "Chocolate versions setup" option. Choose "doom" and then "save parameters and launch DOOM". If it works, then it's something related to the launcher.

If any of this doesn't work tell me, we just keep looking.

EDIT: Just zipped game_list for attachment reasons.


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all working now, with the exception of strife, which loads then crashes as soon as you start a new save file, havent tested the heretic/hexen saving bugs you mentioned earllier though. Perhaps this is related to the same issue??
Thanks for the feedback!

The Strife bug was introduced in by forcing -mmap on every chocolate launch. The beta version posted here does scale2x and scale3x on chocolate versions and fixes the Strife bug too. You can use this or download the version archived on repo.
Whats missing? It's a pnd. I just downloaded it with no problems. I removed freedoom in this beta in order to be able to attach it in the post (10MB limit).
downloaded it from the top of this page when i come to unzip it it says the zip archive is incomplete or corrupt, "not a valid archive"
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Maybe your browser it's changing the extension of the file? The file it's not a zip. Let me try to attach a zipped version.

Edit: Added a zipped file. Try to download that one. It's only 5.54MB.
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