Distributable Fonts For High Res Smallscreens?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Anyone have recommendations for ttf fonts for use on pandora?

I'm prototyping use Arial.ttf from Windows but obviously can't distribute that. As last and this week I'm on a time pinch, anyone know somegood similar ones?

I think Nimbus Sans L is particualrly nice, and should be easy to read on a small screen since the lines aren't super-thin, and letters don't tend to get mushed together.


It usually comes as a part of Ghostscript (GPL)
Oh right, screenshots...
The ones I mentioned last are fonts that are thin but still readable. skeezix wants fonts for small and *high-res* screens, remember, so clearness is the most important thing here...

But most of the fonts I mentioned have different configurations for different needs. E.g. M+:

Anyways, here are some previews of the fonts I posted, in their Light incarnations:

Titillium Maps Light

M+ variant 1C Light

Aller Light
Currently went with Vera.ttf for my menu .. about to post about that too I suppose, but I or someone will have to take a run through various fonts and see what looks good :p

I've been playing around with changing the default fonts on the Pandora.

Pandora has 2 fonts: DejaVu and Liberation in the location /usr/share/fonts/truetype
You can update DejaVu from https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/
and Liberation from:
https://releases.pagure.org/liberation-fonts/ (download the one with ttf in the name)

I did this because I was playing around with these "new" unicode characters in ZIMwiki

So far it just uses more RAM (loading a bigger font uses more of your valuable RAM) but I've grown accustomed to having some of the checkmark icons available in my Zim.

But now I've discovered: https://www.nerdfonts.com/
And I'm thinking of trying it out, although many glipths won't show clearly due to the small font resolution. I hope the Pyra can bring some change into that. As it has so much unused RAM and a higher screen resolution.
I would be most happy if all fonts (gtk, browser, etc) were Terminus or Consolas, not true type. Like on my ultra-sparc workstation. The best computer ever.
I would be most happy if all fonts (gtk, browser, etc) were Terminus or Consolas, not true type. Like on my ultra-sparc workstation. The best computer ever.
I do not understand you. Microsoft Consolas is released as a TTF and not as a raster font.

You must mean the raster releases:

Yes, bitmapped/raster fonts are much faster displaying and don't have the antialiasing problems that TTF has at low resolutions.

So, on your Pyra, head over to
cd /usr/share/consolefonts/

And there are all the raster fonts you can use. Add yours there for systemwide use, or, if you want to keep it personal, then add it to your ~/.fonts/ directory (which you may want to symlink to the SD card).

source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/97469/what-is-the-default-debian-ubuntu-console-tty-font-called