One DBP a Day!


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
So, I have decided to publish "one DBP a Day", for the lucky owner of a Pyra.

Well, as you will see, it's not always "1 DBP", but more 1 game... But you'll see

Lets see own long I can go...

16/07 : Ccleste - A C port of the classic pico8 Celeste
17/07 : Stunt Car Remake - A C remake of the classic Stunt Car Racer (based on a disassembly of the amiga version)
18/07 : DooM 3 - Launcher for the commercial game. You'll need the data to play it (from the Classic version, not the BFG one)
19/07 : SDLPoP - An SDL remake of the classic DOS version of Prince of Persia
20/07 : Hydra Castle Labyrinth - Linux remake of a Windows "metroidvania" game.
21/07 : Homeworld - SDL/OpenGL port of the commercial Homeworld. You need the data from the game to play (classic version, not the HD remake)
22/07 : Witch Blast - An OpenSource action roguelite clone of Binding of Isaac

First week is over, and I must say I'm a bit diapointed by the downloads. Very few of them for now. So I start the 2 week with something emulator based, to see if it triggers more download

23/07 : Emu EX Plus Alpha collection, a series of emulator with same GUI and features set.
24/07 : Proto Type, a short RType clone
25/07 : RickyD, an SDL2 remake of Rick Dangerous I & II
26/07 : NPRQuake, a GL Quake 1 engine with optionnal Non-Photo Realistic renderers
27/07 : VDrift, an OpenGL driving game, with lots of circuits to drive on
28/07 : Reicast, an OpenSource Sega Dreamcast Emulator
29/07 : Einstein Puzzle, an OpenSource puzzle game, remake of the old DOS game Sherlock.

And the second week is over. Funy to see some people begging for me to stop pushing dbp?!!! Don't worry, the 3rd week will be the last, as I'll be moving for summer time vacations.

30/07 : Gorynlich, an OpenSource hack'n slash sort of RPG top-down game
31/07 : RE3, a reverse engineered engine for GTA III
01/08 : F-1 Spirit, the remake of the classic MSX game from Konami
02/08 : Serious Sam The First Encounter, the famous FPS from Croteam (both launcher for the full game and a demo dbp)
03/08 : Tread Marks, a once commercial now opensource Tank Race/Battle game
04/08 : Serious Sam The Second Encounter, followup of The First Encounter, with better graphics and more detailled scenaries, still smooth on Pyra (both full and demo dbp)
05/08 : reVC : a reverse engineered engine for GTA Vice City


And after 3 weeks, the 1st "one dbp a day" operation is over.
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I just wanted to ask if emu ex plus is multiple days, but its just one day for a lot single dbps..
Allthough it would be quite difficult to play all the games you can acces whit these Emulators on one day.. so i hope the next days want be that interessting..

Even though i wonder how well the Ports run whe allready had on Pandora (Return to castle Wolfenstein, Quake 3, Duke3D, Jedi Academy etc..)..
First week is over, and I must say I'm a bit diapointed by the downloads. Very few of them for now. So I start the 2 week with something emulator based, to see if it triggers more download
It's summer/vacation time and there's not all that much pyrae out there. My guess is that your audience will grow soon(tm) :)
I haven't downloaded all your dbp's yet myself but I will soon and I truly appreciate your efforts.
Much love and respect from me to you!
First week is over, and I must say I'm a bit diapointed by the downloads. Very few of them for now. So I start the 2 week with something emulator based, to see if it triggers more download

Well, trying to get more Pyras out there :D
And once we have something like PNDManager, downloads should increase as well.
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : slightly off-topic, but with all those releases in the past few days, I bet it's safe to say that the 3D related issues on the Pyra are now resolved. I think I may have missed that piece of information on the boards, but out of curiosity, what was the issue in the first place ? What prevented 3D applications to work, and what's the workaround ? Who found the working solution ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
The main issue was getting it working at the same time as the screen rotation. The 3D had been working for ages, but to get it to do anything you had to stop xorg, and disable the rotation.
It's has been working for years now, there just wasn't really any software that used it.
Quite a few people helped with it, since it involved a lot of different pieces that all needed to work together.

Unfortunately the main problem currently is that from kernel 5.8.0 on the driver doesn't work anymore. The kernel module compiles and loads fine, but when trying to launch the closed source userspace parts things go wrong.
Which is why we're still on 5.6 for now.
What fix?
SDL2 games should be fine, older SDL1.2 there is a pyra specific version you will need to apt install for full screen to "work", but it still has issues with scaling.

I wish I was at home, then I could give you the exact package you need to install.

Edit: nvm, it wasn't referring to 2D things...
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Hi all !
Unfortunately the main problem currently is that from kernel 5.8.0 on the driver doesn't work anymore. The kernel module compiles and loads fine, but when trying to launch the closed source userspace parts things go wrong.
Which is why we're still on 5.6 for now.
@aTc : thank you for this detailed answer, really appreciated :)
Is there anything we can do as a community ? Would asking for help to people at TI, Imagination Technologies, Linux mailing-lists do any good ?

Cheers, Magic Sam

P.S: sorry for derailing this topic. Moderators can move those posts elsewhere if need be.