

Aug 10, 2010
Update: gamplay vid; current version
Greetings mortals.
So i have started making my own Wario ware clone yesterday.
I have slapped together a framework and added some example games already.
I call this monstrous abomination Panik (working title) (similarities to other games do totally not exist as it is written totally different)

It would be very cool if others could contribute to this, be it with feedback, ideas, code or assets.

The target system is of course the pyra, as such controls for pc are kinda awkward. And i have neither testet it on a pyra yet.
The _framework_ relies on Löve2D. Should be in the repo of every linux distro, simply "do apt install love" and you can double click the game file.
It should perfectly run on the pyra, but last time i tried it it only worked in software mode, so a bit slow until this is resolved. (Not my can of beer)

I am trying to create something that hopefully is easy enough to use so that others will be willing to add entries.
A basic game is created in just 10 lines:
local g={}
g.message="Press right"
g.init=function()   end
 if KD.right then  return 4 end
 return 1
return g
Which is the simple game of press right within a second.

Developing in Löve is super easy, the manual is well written:
You can simply open a .love file with a zip tool and get all the sources.
You modify them, run "love /path/unpacked" on that and instantly works.
The wrappers i wrote yesterday abstract files and settings away, you create a file, drop it in a folder and it appears on screen. (so i hope.)

This is what i got already. Please tell me what you think.
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@levi regarding that post
Just made that, not 100% sure it works alright. First tester said it bugs, works for me tho.
Not going to waste time with git. Plus its an elitist obstacle keeping non coders away.
The post has a zip.
Files are in and can be exchanged here just fine.
For all of the challenges that come with git (and other forms of revision control), it is indispensable in my work day. It then also makes my life easier with hobby projects, so I will always use it when I have the choice.

You are probably right that it is not necessary for this project. So long as multiple contributors are in general only adding/modifying their own mini game files and not modifying shared code, you can get by without dedicated revision control just fine.
He he. Disappointingly incoherent for such popular software. Ramming in features ftw / ffs
fftw? / ffs?

I can empathize with elw3 because I still remember when I didn't use git (too complex, possibly right for worldwide vastly distributed projects, but overkill for everyday work, cvs/svn should be enough for every humble one).
Then it got popular and I kept using the barely minimum I needed (checking out stuff, very little). Then someone brought me to it in work, and I was marvelled.
You know all those expensive things you think are elitist and a waste of money and you never want to try ? Then somehow someday you try some and you confirm they're crap, or just so-so for too much money.
But for very few of them (I can think now of some climbing gloves I use for anything else but climbing and Brompton bycicles) you try them and find them so useful, or versatile, or endurable or something, that you say, ok, this is worth it.

Well git was that to me. Complex ? Yes, takes a little learning, but incredible powerful, and even when you don't need it all, it's still somehow elegant to use something well thought out. It's like noone from marketing was ever involved in its design.
I still know little, and I'll learn more when I need it, but just like you can enjoy a painting, sculpture, building or music without having a master in arts, architecture or music, I needed to claim git's beauty.

But eh! I'm fine with elw3. Git will be beautiful with or without elw3 using it (or imposing it on a particular project participants). I'm not into games, but thanks for creating and sharing.
ftw? / ffs?
are you kidding? i don't want to sound like an idiot expanding these ubiquitous and o-so-useful acronyms. i'm thinking of m$ btw (whom i bitterly abhor)

@elw3 - i love the idea of Panik! Wario Ware is genius.

Back when i used to hack flash i did a game prototype whos graphics were ugly cut outs of digital photos. I thought it was a good idea, cool aesthetic that i deserved mass recognition for. ha ha. I'd like to contribute to Panik! in a similar vein.
I feel I should just point out that this Panik seems to be a clone written in a different lanugage than Pandora/Pyra Panic Godot Edition. That was here first, so deserves consideration. The most generous assumption I can make is that Elw3 disagreed with using godot for this game, and did a very similar thing in Love instead. If that's the same for you, then I have no problem with you helping out here, but to be fair Elw3 hasn't posted his reasons for doing this, so I could easily assume shenanigans as well.
are you kidding? i don't want to sound like an idiot expanding these ubiquitous and o-so-useful acronyms. i'm thinking of m$ btw (whom i bitterly abhor)
I'm not kidding, but from what you sound like, if m$ is involved I may prefer to stay in my blissful ignorance. Thanks for not answering.
Back when i used to hack flash i did a game prototype whos graphics were ugly cut outs of digital photos. I thought it was a good idea, cool aesthetic that i deserved mass recognition for. ha ha. I'd like to contribute to Panik! in a similar vein.
I love playing with photos myself, but the problem is that this can blow up the game size quite fast, i already scraped projects that had like 300mb per level...
Youre welcome to throw them in tho. Just dont make 100mpx ultra high quality shots.

I feel I should just point out that this Panik seems to be a clone written in a different lanugage than Pandora/Pyra Panic Godot Edition. That was here first, so deserves consideration. The most generous assumption I can make is that Elw3 disagreed with using godot for this game, and did a very similar thing in Love instead. If that's the same for you, then I have no problem with you helping out here, but to be fair Elw3 hasn't posted his reasons for doing this, so I could easily assume shenanigans as well.
Thanks captain obvious.
I made no secret about that i hate godot and i solely started this to shame a bad framework.
Point of proof being that i made the working prototype in 2 days, the file size is less than a tenth and Löve being in any linux repo allows to just double click the file instead doing some install and adding shenanigans. (also i was simply unable to get that other version starting and i figured it is faster to write it new than to make it running)

Latest adings:
Crosswords, i need a list of words for this. User names? Sailor swearing? Penis in every language?
I will make a new update once i made a title screen with a pack selector.
There will be a speed mode and a hard level mode and i dunno a version that plays upside down?
I don't understand the attitude here. If you don't like Godot then that's fair enough. PP! is also available in C++. I personally use Godot since I have waaaay less free time than I used to and can't maintain my own game engine and make games. I like the features the engine provides and the scripting works well enough for me. *shrugs*

I don't understand where the motivation to make a similar thing, supposedly to spite PP!, Godot and git... me? the original community members that worked on PP! ?
It's cool if your inspired to make your own game, I applaud that, but I can't help but feel that this is just coming from some place of negativity and not a sense of community at all.
Nono i hate it.
Its big bulky and games for it never run for me. So i am offended if ppl use it. Its a punch in the face for everyone running stone old systems hooked up to a modem line, its not retro.

But anyway this is not about you, i was bored and took the next best thing. I mean, contest is good right?
Also i work with love, how can i spread negativity here?
Personally, I really like both Godot and Löve2D. They serve different purposes for me, though. Godot is an engine (complete with development suite) and Löve2D is a framework.

If I’m working in 2D with simple sprites, I’d generally pick Löve2D. If I’m working in 3D or if I want to use packed in Godot features like skeletal animations, then Godot is the better tool for the job IMHO. I know Löve2D CAN do 3D, but that is not what it is best at.

One of the major differences between the two is that so long as your computer can run the Godot editor (sorry @elw3, I guess), most of the minimum tooling needed to make a large-scale game are provided for you. If you are satisfied with those tools, you have everything you need out of box.

For Löve2D, as your project grows, you are forced to grow your own workflow: pick a sprite editor, pick a text editor, install your preferred syntax highlighting in your text editor, pick a tileset management tool, etc. It is great that you can choose your preferred tooling, but it is not as well integrated as Godot.

I feel like I enjoy Löve2D more, but it only remains hyper efficient for small projects, so maybe it is perfect for these mini games. I love coding in Lua 90% of the time, but will often get bitten switching back and forth between languages with 0-based indexing versus Lua’s 1-based.

If I contribute any mini games, I’ll likely try to make them for both projects and compare my experiences.

However, I hope to see more constructive competition/language/collaboration between the two projects. Saying you think a game engine is terrible because your hardware can’t run it is a little silly. That would be like me saying PS2 games are all terrible because my Pandora is too weak to run a PS2 emulator. That is more of a “me problem”.

The engine is harder to run because it has more features. For the people who can run it and want those features, Godot remains a solid choice.
@edgex004 Thank you for you insight on game making captain _i never published any game here before_

I guess that puts the pope trying to give sex advises into perspective.
Update above. Aiming for the true wario ware feel of high speed with different level packs.

So much for now. I dont think i will continue anytime soon.
I had two deaths in the family recently and now there is a bunch of stuff to do away from the keyboard.
@elw3 boom roasted. My games are crap. I’m honestly afraid I’d never get hired again if I published the POS code I’ve managed to finish so far.

If I can find the time, I’ve got an idea for a mildly topical mini game that I can contribute. I think it will fit well into the gameplay flow you are shooting for.

Sorry to hear about your family. Good luck with getting your stuff done.