Release Stunt Car Remake


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Stunt Car Remake, a remake of Stunt Car Racer from Amiga/AtariST

The remake is based on the Windows remake, but adapted to Linux/OpenAL/OpenGL (using gl4es here).
For now, only core gameplay is implemented. The graphics are not finished either, but the game is already fun to play (and faster than the original).

History log

Build 08

  • Fresh build with latest sources
  • Update libs
Build 07

  • Fixed tachometer
Build 06

  • Implemented WideScreen
Build 05

  • Added "SuperLeague" (with specific color theme)
  • Updated libs
Build 04

  • Optimized Cockpit rendering
  • Added back MSAA for Gigahertz model
Build 03

  • Removed MSAA

Build 02

  • Added most Cockpit bitmaps
  • Use MSAA
Build 01

  • Initial build

If you want to play it on Windows or x86_64 Linux, you can grab a binary here:

You can also play directly from a browser (WebGL and WebASM needed, using gl4es):

The source code is there:
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Thank You.

I loved this on the Amiga, one of the many games we played using a null modem lead.

Can't wait to try it out.
and faster than the original

I was gutted to find the Amiga version was frame locked at about 15fps when I finally got a faster machine than the a500.
Yeah, the only slightly odd thing about this is while you can adjust the frame rate, the game speeds up as you increase the frame rate. You can see how smooth the game could be, but you can't play it very well as the smoothest rates. That said, I was a lot better at getting round that early level with all the gaps (level 2 I think) at super-speed, for some reason - I think my old twitch skills must still be there. Other levels I needed the speed more normal though.

I wonder if the TNT tracks could be added to this?
Yeah, the only slightly odd thing about this is while you can adjust the frame rate, the game speeds up as you increase the frame rate. You can see how smooth the game could be, but you can't play it very well as the smoothest rates. That said, I was a lot better at getting round that early level with all the gaps (level 2 I think) at super-speed, for some reason - I think my old twitch skills must still be there. Other levels I needed the speed more normal though.

I wonder if the TNT tracks could be added to this?
There is a branch in the original repo with smotther framerates, using extrapolated frame (so the engine framerate remain the same), but I haven't bothered integrating that because it's "just interpolation", there are anoying visual artefact (the background is super chopy) and I prefer to focus on other stuffs for now, like bringing all the bitmap of the cockpit at first...

About the TNT track maybe, but I would need to make a dump of the binary of the track first. Probably something I look into latter but not for now.
Yeah, I guess the physics engine would have to be completely rewritten if it was current doing all its calculations based on fixed intervals. Eh well, it's already a lot smoother than it ever used to be!

And no hurry on the TNT tracks - that's just something I came across the other day, so it has no historical significance to me, just might be something nice to have also. If I can figure out the track format, I might have a nose at the binary myself and see if I can spot them.
In case it is not obvious (it is not explicitly said on the title screen): You win only with BOOST, and this is the RIGHT shoulder button ;)
I downloaded this and loved it.

I tried to rate and add a comment to the Repo but it wouldn't let me login..
Nice. Hopefully future updates can be ported to the pyra too. I dont have a pandora anymore., but I'm waiting on a pyra - like so many of us are.
New release on the repo.

I have added most Cockpit bitmap now. Only effect missing are the sparks (when driving half off the track) and dust (when completely off the track :p ).
Also, I use MSAA now, for better rendering (I hope it doesn't slow CC rendering too much, I may have to try).

Still only Practice mode, no championship yet.

Build 02

  • Added most Cockpit bitmaps
  • Use MSAA
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A great special thanks for this !!!!
EDIT On CC at 600 Mhz, it is a tiny bit slower than the previous version, haven´t fiddled around with the frame settings yet, or by rising the line to 850 Mhy; to be honest, the previous version was close to perfect for me; in the meantime I have played the C64 version again and it was a world of a difference already :)
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