When Will The Winners Be Announced?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
Sorry to ask, but I don't see that info posted in any of the Rules threads.

I ask because I intend to write a blog article for Pandoralive on one of the entries, but I'd like to know how it fared in the Competition prior to writing about it.
The only thing I'm waiting for are the lists from the jury members.

Should receive it within the next 1 or 2 days, and then the winners will be announced and the prizes released :)
My fault.  Drove to my parents place with no charger/charging cable.  Need to finish judging the Applications category and ran out of juice.  Only played two games of Mr Do warming up my Pandora. 

Apologies to the community and entrants on this. 
No worries, Link, the Pandora community is well known for its patience :)

Will the jury show and/or motivate their votes or do we just get to see the final top-3 ?
I found the time to vote only for emulators... those alone took away a lot of time -_- I will finish to try the rest of the games-ports-apps in the next months... 

Thanks to all the participants to fill the repo with new, interesting and useful things !! :)
I'd like to stress that.. theres a lot of good stuff here; it saddens me that not everyone can win :) Some must win, and therefore some must lose. A lot of entries are 'close', and .. its hard to separate who should win. I'm glad the community voting is factored in and a few jury members, so it averages out and hopefully clear winners will emerge.

I'd like to say that _thank you_ to the submitters.. theres a lot of good quality stuff here. And if you submitted and come out 4th or 10th, take no shame for that.. its a tough ball of wax, and often a winner will occur unexpectedly. Some projects are a tonne of work, but maybe just didn't strike peoples fancy that month.

I'll chime in with Skeezix here - So much stuff! So much good stuff! In such a wide span, from entire operating systems to puzzle games to office programs to whatever-you-may-reasonably-call-Soleil. Mindblowing. You all rock.
SOLEIL I really like; theres a number of 'appliance OSes' out there, and appliance boxes. Stuff like FreeNAS or OpenNAS, to TomatoUSB firmware, etc and so on. But doing it on Pandora! Awesome-sauce :) I'm not sure theres a large percentage of our audience for that, but its very awesome nonetheless.

Skeezix, that is my thought too: Completely brilliant! I have no use cases where it is needed, but I'm still totally in awe :)
The only thing I'm waiting for are the lists from the jury members.

Should receive it within the next 1 or 2 days, and then the winners will be announced and the prizes released :)
Any progress? How many jury members have voted and how many still need to send their lists?

If in some categories all votes are in, maybe the winners could already be announced for that category? E.g. "Emulators" and "Ported Games" didn't have that many entries, so maybe all votes are in already for those categories...
Thanks to those long replies I made in that one Sales-Thread, I didn't have time to calculate the results, sorry about that.

It's on my to-do-list for tonight though.