Youtube sound stopped working in firefox


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
Can anyone confirm this?

At some point the sound in youtube just stopped working in firefox. Other sound/video sources works on the same browser.

I use the default OS install and firefox version 78.15.0esr (32-bit).

I guess youtube updated something and it is not compatible anymore with this version but I don't know how to confirm this.
Well sometimes this happen, maybe the RAM gots floating over or something as the Sound System needs still a lot of work,
I had this several times so i went back to Iphone for Youtube.. , some times after a reeboot it continued to work, so might be just a mather of more Software Improvement..
Is that the latest Firefox? I thought the most recent update from Mozilla was supposed to have significantly improved video playback?
Firefox on Pyra is a Mobile Version if i remember correctly, not the big Desktop Version..
But this is still essentially Debian so we should be able to use the desktop version, no? I mean, there are old laptops with fewer resources than the Pyra still running desktop Firefox in Debian?
wouldnt the desktop version be x86 not arm? there is a 32bit linux version of the latest Firefox but i expcet its x86. might need Box86 to run it. I dont have a Pyra so i cant test.
wouldnt the desktop version be x86 not arm? there is a 32bit linux version of the latest Firefox but i expcet its x86. might need Box86 to run it. I dont have a Pyra so i cant test.
Ah, bother :|
It's not the mobile version of firefox... it's the desktop version compiled to armhf. It's running regular debian just different cpu architecture. That said it's an older version of debian and likely not going to have the latest releases.
It's not the mobile version of firefox... it's the desktop version compiled to armhf. It's running regular debian just different cpu architecture. That said it's an older version of debian and likely not going to have the latest releases.
Doesn’t that mean if one wanted, it would be possible to compile the latest version of Firefox (assuming one already installed any missing dependencies)?
Doesn’t that mean if one wanted, it would be possible to compile the latest version of Firefox (assuming one already installed any missing dependencies)?
yeah if someone wants to exert the efforts sure.
I got it fixed. It was like this for days and even after an apt upgrade I did yesterday.

But it seems whatever the upgrade fixed, it required a reboot. I booted Pyra today and this is again working.
Yes, it's a good idea to reboot after an update. The old kernel is still loaded into memory, and the easiest way to swap that out for the new one is to reboot. Technically if the update doesn't touch the kernel or certain other programs you can delay rebooting, but that happens less and less these days due to zero days being found.
Youtube can be used from terminal.
Following packages will be needed
1. yt-dlp (it is improved fork of youtube-dl), , installation commands are on the page. I am reposting here
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
2. mpv ( from debian repos)
sudo apt install mpv
3. youtube-search, bash script to search youtube from terminal,,
copy this code in a file with a name of your choice, ( yts, youfind, yt-find, yt-search..whatever)
make this file executable, assuming you named it youfind
chmod +x youfind
in this script change "YTDL=youtube-dl" to "YTDL=yt-dlp" and change "mpv=()" to "mpv=(mpv)"
copy this file to a path used for executable files, easy way is to copy this file to /usr/local/bin ( not ideal)
sudo cp youfind /usr/local/bin/

Now in your terminal you can run "youfind", script will ask for search term, once provided it will fetch results from youtube, select one you like and it will be played using mpv.

Alternatively you can search in browser, and use that link to open youtube video in mpv using "mpv <url>", for this only first two application will be needed.
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Can anyone confirm this?

At some point the sound in youtube just stopped working in firefox. Other sound/video sources works on the same browser.

I use the default OS install and firefox version 78.15.0esr (32-bit).

I guess youtube updated something and it is not compatible anymore with this version but I don't know how to confirm this.
Does this happen with all videos or some videos? May be some audio formats are not playing in firefox (missing codec).