GP32 Debugging?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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Is there some easy way (something like GpDebugAdd("Problem A"); ) that you can have the Gp32 write entries to a debug file, or better, is there a Step Into/Over thing (I do have mutifw if there is a way with the auto GXB running thing)
no debugger afaik, i guess you could compile as Win32 if you have the official kit, then step over/into...

However it is trivial to write a routine to open a text file, append, and close. See CHN's site for custom file-handling routines.

I just print a whole lot of text over my game in a 'debug mode' detailing player co-ords, etc...
few existing debugging options:
1) DF's mylib has a build in debug console.. print your logs there
2) multifw etc has BIOSMON which traps crashes.. with .map file it eases finding bugged functions
and the reason why something crashes
3) gdb-stub allows gdb based debugging over usb (gcc only).. and requires custom fw

... in the future multifw & gdb-stub will merge :blink:
GDB debigging, what is that, adn will it work for DKA?? I'd install a new mutifw for that, because it sounds good, but if there is just a debugger and no other stuff, I'm not going to flash my fw exery time I start deving/playing games ;)
GDB debugging is debugging in general, GDB is Gnu DeBugger and exists in various forms.
The standard GDB is a commandline tool, but still very useful.
Then there are loads of front-ends like insight which is really good and userfriendly.

And yes, it works with DKA.
The FW you need is a slightly modified standard FW, it looks and smells exactly the same, the only difference is that i have added
the ability to handle exceptions because thats what makes debugging possible.

Some day mr.spiv will add those changes to his multi FW. (If you ask him politely he might even do it :)

One thing that might be a problem is that there must be a gdbserver application running, which communicates with the GP32 through the USB cable
and with GDB through TCP/IP.
I wrote that app for linux, and have been hoping that someone would port it to windows, but no one has yet.
I don't think that i'll ever do it myself since i don't have windows installed and i don't think anyone would use it anyway.

But if you are interrested, take a look at

btw.. multifw with integrated gdb-stub has been done by now.. possible release is pretty soon or at least I hope so ;)
btw.. gdbserver runs now in Mac OSX aswel.. I have done some simple debugging tests via USB. This may sound selfish but a GP32 with MultiFW2, BIOSMON and remote GDB debugging (via USB) rocks.. I wonder if ADS guys can do the same :rolleyes: