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Just Photoshoppin, True, True.....
May 13, 2004
I'm not sure?
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I downloaded Finding nemo and sonic movie off a torrent site but don't know how to use them. when I click on finding nemo it loads something and an error apears. :( can some one help.
It says " ERROR (11:21AM) -
Problem connecting to tracker - (10060, 'Oparation timed out') "
I havn't used it before. :(
xboxit posted on May 24 2004 at 03:25 AM said:
It says " ERROR (11:21AM) -
Problem connecting to tracker - (10060, 'Oparation timed out') "
I havn't used it before. :(
It will do that sometimes, it just means it failed to connect to the tracker, keep it open and it will continue to try, over and over until it finally connects (unless the tracker is down), sometimes there is alot of traffic connecting to that tracker, or the tracker is down. Then your downloads and speed is based on the # of people online, with that torrent open (leaching or seeding). So you are not going to get any kind of decent speeds unless its a large, well known torrent site with hundreds of downloaders.
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I can run the tracker but when I try to use bit torrent my pc restarts as it is a compatibility issue with my NIC. Anyway its back up now but I can't seed anything as then my pc will restart again. there are loads more but the files are not gp cinema encoded and I don't know if the policy of this site will let me discuss them.
You mean the "Finding Nemo" movie is on the gp32 torrent site?

Hmmm... I'm gonna check the site and if I find more illegal contents I'll delete every topic about the torrent site...
Your joking.......right! Right! RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me your joking, I mean emulators are illegal and so is other firmware, please please don't. :(
I am at my dads now and cannot sign in for my site for some reason. I'll delete it when I get home. Or when he will let me configure his firewall.

Yay someone did it for me.
Okay, thanks sam :)

If you keep it up this way, the torrent site has the potential of becoming a great GPCinema freeware movies archive :)

Just check that no illegal stuff stays up there (at least not for long!) and it's okay :)

To xboxit:
Emulators itself are not illegal, you can use them for legal stuff.
Using commercial roms (and linking to rom sites) is illegal - and all those links will be removed.
It's the same with the gp32 torrent: If it hosts illegal stuff, I will delete the links to it from this forum (although I cannot CLOSE the site or delete stuff there!)

Of course, I'll only release the links if illegal stuff is up there for a few days - it's a free site where users can upload what they want. The admins can't be online 24hours a day. It's the same here in the forum - the links will be removed ASAP.

So, don't worry, if everything works fine, I won't close anything (I'm not that bad, you know ;))
I uploaded the "Finding Nemo" movie only beacuse i downloaded it from that no longer exicts, so i thought it was ok.

I uploaded it again so more can download it but later tonight i will remove it (for good <_< )
Cellsplitter posted on May 24 2004 at 04:55 PM said:
I uploaded the "Finding Nemo" movie only beacuse i downloaded it from that no longer exicts, so i thought it was ok.

I uploaded it again so more can download it but later tonight i will remove it (for good <_< )
Errm - you sure do know that the movie has been removed because it is illegal?

By uploading it again you are offering warez - and that after I told you that warez and warez links are not allowed here.

You sure are on the way of getting banned here... In fact, I should report you to Disney so they can take care of you...

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