I Hav Maid A Nu Grameboyeadvance Emu For Gp32


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
I hav mad a nu gpthirtytooed emlurator that runnes GBA gams at foolsped.

I wil releese it tomorararowl.- teh nex day too teh comuntity.

I dun tipe well becuse I ar leev in jungle in sooth afreekah, pleese no mak funn :(

An I mite bee sloow abut senning it bekuse my enternet runs throo jungel vins =(

Butt I wil sen it teh next day four shure :)

I hop u al liek it :D

thank goodness for that i can hold off from releasing mine if theres one going to be released tomorrow.

moz u no made grameboyadvaenced emu u stoled it frum mi AOL usin' voodo magik :angry:

Moz iz a fak in teh comuntity, I mad emulrator, not moz :angry:
FLOWERS FOR YOU. nice attempt at being funny. its a shame this joke has already been done at least 10 times

edit:::::sorry that was pretty offensive but these type of threads that try to be witty when theyre a blatant rip off of other threads which also sucked annoy the shit out of me

[Mod - Edited for content.]
Yeah but the counter topic was freshly dug up, I had to be the first to do something like this on that subject :lol:
You mean the counter thing in general?

A joke is funny, Rileing people up claiming to have an emulator when you do not, only to say "There is no emu" At the end is not a joke, it's being a jackass
LOL, I remember sayquestionaskanswer, now he should be LOL'd. Is he already?

PAUL103DOGS: Your name rules!
just got a PM from Last_Week, he asked if he could have his joke back?!?
Wow, a bit of hostility here and there.

I thought everyone woulda gotten even NICER than when
I first joined once the full speed emus started rolling out :blink:

And to phil:

It's gray and likes peanuts? :lol: