

Bass Invader
Hi, this is probably a tall order, but I need to upload a 50Mb mp3 file that I just created for a demo breaks mix to send to a newzealander so he can get me a dj slot. Anyone got any ideas or spare space that I could use? I could compress it down further but I don't want to lose too much quality

it's my mixing, but other peoples copywrighted music. anyway I don't particularly want it publicly available. but ta for the ideas
firstly, convert it to ogg at a lower bitrate, the sound will be just as good.

next rar it, then zip it.

then get an account at 35mb.com

it would be a lot less hassle to just edonkey it! or irc, or even msn for that matter! and just change the name of the file to, i dunno, something inconspicuos, girl fucks 17 goats, and you'll be fine!
Back inthe 'net old days I used to do the odd music show over Virgin Net Chat servers. We used something called Real Producer that worked very well. :)
cool, found someone with some spare webspace so I'm sorted now,.. that 35mb.com site looks handy, might need some of that in the future