Colonize The Gp

FINALLY! A ray of hope! I absolutely LOVE this game and as a charming and slightly simpler version of Civilisation it would be perfect for the GP32.

If only I could code...

...If only willpower alone was enough to make this happen, between Lizard and me it would be released tomorrow! We can't be the only ones!

Sorry, calmed down now...

Just emailed the guys at Colonization 2 to wish them luck and let them know the GP32 exists! I've had a good look through their site and it is impressive, they are actually big fans of the game and look like they are making sensible decisions about ways to develop the sequel faithfully to the original. I really hope this comes off! (& it is ported to GP32 & Mac)

Yeh me too! Its a simple game with mass appeal and very little overhead. It ran on a 386 with 4mb RAM (my old computer). This version should be equally light.

Thanks Shirohagen for emailling them, I was going to.. oh hell, I might as well too! :)
Got the following response from the guys at Colonization 2, sounds promising! Hopefully once they're finished a GP32 port will be possible. I'm going to reply and give them the link to this thread and perhaps the GP32's specs...


It's always great to hear from another Colonization fan!
Yes it is our intention to make the program platform independent. At the
moment most of our members use some version of Windows or Linux. I'm not
aware any of them use Macs. We're still at a relatively early stage of
development, but are making progress.
If you're interested in reading the current discussion, or if you have
ideas and suggestions you'd like to make, check out our forum on The
Civilization Gaming Network (CGN).
You can also get there by clicking on the Forum button on the website.
Sounds good. I wish I could port this. :p but I don't have the skill for it.

Since you got an email reply, I won't send an email just yet.

Defintely give them links to the specs, but why not also to the SDK and GeePee 32 as well? It wouldnt hurt...:)

SDK is on nigelibrown's site and the GeePee 32 emulator is at

This would defintely be a great game for the GP32, if someone took it up....
the cix series is one of the inly games that has consistently entertained me through the years.

if this got ported it would be amazing, out goes my spare time.
The PSP version of Amiga emulator UAE is coming on well and once they implement a virtual keyboard we can play Colonization on it!

V. Happy
