Rpg Makers?


Jul 2, 2004
hey i'm planning to make a mini rpg game for birthday present for someone. i've laid out some the main quest,plots, enemies and enviroments. the game will occur in that persons brain.

now i've only used rpgmaker three or fours years ago and mostly did graphic stuff. codingwise i know some script languages so i'm used to scripting techniques.

so which maker should i use? i mean it wont be a big game. and i am not very advanced at tilesets, palettes, plot scripts either.

oh the game will on run pc. not gp.
there is a site to get it now.. its quite a big one but i'm not supposed to tell you... projex hint hint
hmm, do you know the address of the official page of rpgmaker2003?
all i come up when searching are german forums.

and also what about rpg toolkit? is it any good for my level?
Hmmm i know a lot about rpg maker and no there is no "real" official maker for Rm2k3 there used to be one that Don Miguel made but he took it down i think so he could put up his gp32 website (man i wanna be just like him, last time i talked to him he was planning on making a action maker for gp32, like mario style) but if it's Rm2k3 you want just look around at google till you find something with "thai" in the name (i won't tell were though don't wanna get in trouble) but i recomend getting either Rm2k or RmXP, Rm2k3 is fine just gets annoying, for me at least. for RmXP look up "rpg maker xp download" and your clue is "infinity4".

It's like a spy game... <_<
rm2k3 is illegal, at least the english translation.
rm2k maybe too, but it has anyway a miuch bigger community and stuff, so go for that one. until ~2002 the eng. trans was legal.

by the way, did you know that Don Miguel from fame software translated rm2k? :)
rm2k3 is illegal, at least the english translation.
rm2k maybe too, but it has anyway a miuch bigger community and stuff, so go for that one. until ~2002 the eng. trans was legal.

by the way, did you know that Don Miguel from fame software translated rm2k?

All the Rpg Makers are illegal to have, period... so getting Rm2k will not help your chances out. and plus i just never really like Rm2k3. and yes i knew that he translated Rm2k, but he still distributed it making it illegal.
i'm going to make mini game that is going to be a PRESENT, a gift. so only one person is going to play my game. legality is not my concern right now, i am not going to make dirty cash from it.
you're right, but i think rm2k is still the better way, because there are A LOAD of tutorials on the internet for how-to-create-games with it, but not really many for rm2k3 ;)

huh 1k posts hey :)

as you've mentioned tutorials, which sites do you recommend me to grap the learning curve best. seems complicated and what is even more complicated is searching the web for resources and tutorials.
well one website that i went to for tutorials is... Gameing World they also have game that people have made usuing all the rpg makers so to get ideas for your game or "steal" charsets and chipsets from them (usually what i do :D )