Adsl In House Distances


Mar 20, 2004
England(north east)
as i know most of you have broadband,, i assume a few of you have adsl,, i am how far extensions have to go before they give bad speeds, you see my exchange has just finally got enabled and my computer is opposite side of house to master phone socket.
If i cannot use a extension i will need wireless which is a bit pricy for me.
I couldn't use an extension cable as you have to use an adapter that comes out of the wall socket with one socket for the telephone and one smaller socket for the computer. As our phone stays in the living room by the phone socket and the computer is at the other end of the house I had to buy a wireless modem in the end.
Have you guys never heard of DIY?

I bought a second phone clicky in thing and installed it myself, it's simple.
finty101 posted on Mar 9 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
Have you guys never heard of DIY?

I bought a second phone clicky in thing and installed it myself, it's simple.
yeah my dad did the same he just installed a phone lineto over here

you can have more than one phone wire in your house you know
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Extension will work, Or should... Someone I know has an extension running all the way up their stairs etc etc and it still goes full speed
Yeah, not on the master socket here either and don't have any problems. I just fitted a filter to the other extensions in the house to stop the squeeling sound and it's fine (BT normally do this to your master socket, but then you have to put the modem in the master socket too, which sucks).

Don't forget that if you don't mind a bit of cabling, you can connect the modem to the master socket and use upto 100 meters of network cabling to your pc.

Other than that, you can do like you say and use WIFI - there's a nice Draytek model out now with built in WIFI & VOIP gateway if you going to connect to the master socket...
oh yea, you dont need to be on the master socket.. Im not... Our master socket doesnt get used...
Atleast u lucky people can get broadband.

My exchange was upgraded last year but i just live to damn far away.

Engineer visited the house and installed a faceplate with a built in filter but still no luck.

I hate satellite broadband :(