Slander dismag


Mar 17, 2003
Hey all!
As posted on the News page i've programmed a diskmag (called Slander) that runs on the GP32.
(its my first ever code release on the GP32 so be gentle with me folks!! :D )

Anyway... i need some articles for issue #1 (and onwards i hope!) so if you fancy writing something for Slander head on over to the Slander websitethat i've put up. It tells you the guidelines. :)

I'm looking for articles of ANY kind, not just GP articles so write about ANYthing.
Serious or funny... whatever you have in mind... even if its just a general rant... :lol:

I'd like to get an issue #1 out mid-July but it depends on how many articles i can get... :(

Any help is appreciated... and remember: this is a diskmag for YOU... :D
You'll have to remind me to link to this site when i update my site.

But im on stall as my work is focusing on my Engine.

So when the engine is done ill have new link and a new site. :)
Are you gonna try to go for a monthly issue, cause if so, I'll probally be able to make an article every month.
ideally, yes, i'd like to have an issue out every month.

But, again, it depends on whether i can get enough articles every month y'know??...

So far i've had about 6 people email me that are interested in writing articles but so far i've not had any articles submitted... :(
I'm thinking of maybe trying to include an eBook each month... like a free one... maybe some old classics or whatever... not sure...

If it comes to it then i'll be using articles/info from websites! :D
How about adding a gallery section of the mag which displays some good artwork send in by gp32 fans?
Thanks Meonlyeviler! I'll go grab your article...
Well... i have three articles now (including yours Meonlyeviler) :)

And as Meonlyeviler said Slander does indeed have an image viewer so it'll display any BMP images you want to email me (keep it clean! (well... ok, semi-clean :D)...

but check out the website for the guidelines...

C'mon people! Gimme some articles huh????
Puleeeeeeeeeze?? :(
You can still do it!
- Most people can understand your English, it's pretty good
- RTj or another editor could tidy it up :)
Good man Sanosuke! :D
Don't worry about your english, it looks ok to me from your posts, i'll tidy it up if your unsure of anything...

If your unsure about file formats and so on then visit the Slander website. All the info is there.

Here's the sections i'm thinking of just now:
Game Reviews (PC/GP32/Console...)
Game Screens (screenshots of the games reviewed)

Maybe even album reviews ??

A rant section for people to just... well... rant! :D

Tutorials. (i'm sure a programming tutorial would be welcome... i'd do one myself but i'm not good enough yet in my opinion...)
[Tutorial Images] (incase the tutorial needs images or some visual representation ?)

Funny Images (you know the kinda thing... the stuff you get emailed from your friends...) :)

Misc. (an article that doesnt fit into one of the above sections).

Oh and i forgot to mention that Slander also plays Amiga MOD files so you'll have a nice tune to listen to while your reading... just dont annoy people on the bus/train with it ok!!?? ;)
RTj, do you want hosting at gp32x? We're already hosting GPengine's page and since the diskmag is being contributed by gp32x board members I don't think Hando would have a problem with it. Consider PMing him or e-mailing him...
I can do some reviews of games for ps2/gba etc and an article of good games with descriptions for certain emu's, if you want me to? :)
@Herb12: absolutely mate. You write about whatever you want to write about... :)

Are there any other sections that people would like to see ????
(assuming people ARE gonna write articles!! :unsure:)

I was hoping for a mid-July release for issue #1 but so far after a week or so i have a grand total of 4 articles... *sigh* :(

C'mon folks!
If you want a diskmag ya gotta help me out here!....
OK, so no problem :)
I started to write a Snes9xGP review, but now ... time 2 holidays ! ;)
Sorry, i'll go in italy tomorrow, then i'll be back on July 7-8 ...
... and i'll write a lot of artcles :)

Bye all :)