Tom Cruise Is A Twat.

What about if water gets spilt on me on a plane, or in a restaurant? Can I report it to police and get them charged?

Why don't the english cricket team sue each other for spray chanpange over each other, they could have been blinded <_<

Well you're living up your name Mr Twit. Spraying someone intentionally and accidentally spilling something on you are two totally different things.
Whether or not it was intentional, it's still absolutely nothing and you'd have to be a complete pussy to take it seriously at all.

What pisses me off is that if you or I or anyone else who's not a big movie star went into a police station and asked to file a report of assault and then said "This guy sprayed me with some water", they'd laugh you out of there.
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Agreed with your last point. But imagine you are on your way to work, and some people came to you to speak to you in a serious manner. Then they *hilariously* pulled out water pistols and soaked you!

Why should you find it funny? I wouldn't, I'd deck the idiots! Maybe if Tommy had punched them, we'd be happier!?

But really, le Cudz attractiver (???) than Ms Kidman????? I suppose it makes the world go around!
Klown, you missed my point. I agree it was a stupid prank and Tom Cruise should have taken it that way. But as I said - the Authorities should treat is as an assault, because whatever you say, it was. If somebody threw a bucket of piss over you - I bet you'd treat that differently, but at the end of the day what does that matter either? I don't think you can just suggest than some things are less worse than others so it doesn't really matter.

If somebody does something to you that you didn't want them to do, it is an assault.
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Scientologists are all twats. I thought that was common knowledge.

Amen. And Tom Cruise is the fattest twat of them all.

I have to respectively disagree. I think he's on to a much better peice now...although why he left Miss Cruz still bemuses me...

I'd take Kidman over this busted ass talentless Holmes chick ANY day. But Cruz still takes the cake. Damn tom Cruise really is a twat.
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Oh, that's absolutely fantastic!!!!


Who looks like an idiot? I have to say that little Tommy handled himself very well! He was giving an interview, spouting crap about his latest tomshitefest, and then this bloke pathetically squirts him! Then looks so stupid, and apologetic! And who was trying to put their hands in front of the camera? Not Cruises' lot, that's for sure!

It just wasn't funny or clever, and I reckon all of us would have been pissed off. Like when that oaf prescott hit some idiot who threw an egg? We all cheered the fat dumpty on then, so should tommy have stretched himself to his full height, and walloped him one? Cos I would have!

But priceless, for all the reasons that Channel 4 didn't mean it to be!!! What a prick that guy was!
yeah i'd have just smacked him one. suing someone takes too long.
Hmm... That wasn't funny at all... What the hell was the point of doing that? If I were in Tom's shoes, I would have just been like "what the fuck did you do that for, you idiot?" And that would have been the end of it. It was just water... How the fuck is spraying someone with water assault now? What a fucking ass... Eat shit, Tom... All he did was spray you with water... Yeah, it was rude and stupid, but that doesn't mean you have to go and sue the son of a bitch for ASSAULT. That is not assault.

as·sault Audio pronunciation of "assault" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-sôlt)

1. A violent physical or verbal attack.
1. A military attack, such as one launched against a fortified area or place.
2. The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy.
3. Law.
1. An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another.
2. The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another.
1. Law. Sexual assault.
2. The crime of rape.

Squirting someone with water is not violent, and it is not a threat or attempt to do bodily injury either. Last time I checked, water isn't harmful unless you drink about 10 gallons of it. Celebrities like Tom Cruise are a bunch of pussies, and this whole thing is a bunch of bullshit. For fuck's sake, if what he did pissed you off that much, go dump a bucket of water on him, or if that doesn't suit you, just punch him. Jesus tapdancing christ...

And for the record, I wouldn't really give a flying fuck if someone started squirting me with water pistols. I'd pull out one of my own and fuckin squirt them back. And maybe I'm just an oddball, but I don't mind being wet, and I don't know why the hell everybody else does... even lifeguards... If any water gets on them at all, whether it's accidental or not, they always yell "OMG, STOP GETTING ME WET!!!!!!" like they're gonna fricken melt or something. Holy shit, you're a LIFE GUARD. You don't like getting wet? What the fuck are you gonna do then when someone's drowning? Just let them drown because you don't like to get wet? wtf?
That's bizarre - so you're happy to accept a verbal attack as an assault, but not a phsyical attack? OK, so it was water, but why should anybody be subjected to that?
No, I never said that. A verbal "attack" isn't assault either. A physical ATTACK is assault though, and my point was that being squirted with water is not an attack. "why should anybody be subjected to that?" SUBJECTED TO WHAT? You make it sound like he was beaten until nearly dead with a baseball bat or tied up and assraped or something... He was squirted with water, people... okay? WATER. WATER IS NOT BAD. Just because it COULD have been something else doesn't mean it was. And becuase it wasn't, I see no crime here. Like I said, yes what he did was stupid, yes he's an idiot, but that doesn't mean he's a criminal. There was no point in squirting Tom, but it's still not assault, and it's nothing to fricken sue over.
That's bizarre - so you're happy to accept a verbal attack as an assault, but not a phsyical attack? OK, so it was water, but why should anybody be subjected to that?
He's a scientologist and is proud. Brainwashed shells of people need to be antagonised so they can explode in a cloud of their own stupidity. Duh!
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Squirt me with water and be sure you get killed.
Or, even worse, banned.
Damn, there go my plans. <_< I wouldn't have minding being killed if I could still visit GP32X in the afterlife, but your planned revenge is just too much to take. :ph34r: You win Axeman... FOR NOW!!! :lol: *evil laugh*
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That's bizarre - so you're happy to accept a verbal attack as an assault, but not a phsyical attack? OK, so it was water, but why should anybody be subjected to that?
He's a scientologist and is proud. Brainwashed shells of people need to be antagonised so they can explode in a cloud of their own stupidity. Duh!

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, especially when you consider what he was questioning isn't even what the hell I was saying, but nevermind details like that which throw what you just said right out the window. You can't be bothered with facts, only conclusions that can be jumped to very quickly, right? But of course...
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