I need help (with Mill)

What do you need help with? It's a straight forward RPG. The only problem is, you can't buy food, to raise your life, or stay at a hotel. When you fight monsters, sometimes they drop you food and money. Make sure to always save (at the store). Actually, i'm not that far either? Anything else you need?
I had a go of it last night and seem to be stuck in a bit that swaps between a cliff area (with bee things) and a cave area (with blue things...). It's the first fighting bit of the game.

Also, out of interest, on the indoor areas at the beginning of the game do you see a slight 'flickering' up the screen on the left-hand side. It's only very slight...
its too bad you got your money refunded for MILL. I could have helped you through that area. I was stuck on that one spot for a good 2 weeks, playing it everyday until I found out you have to go back to the house and find your brother then go back up stairs talk to the robot looking thing then leave the house take a right and go on to the boss level. ....I can explain this better..but thats just an overview