Request For Sticky Threads


Active Member
Aug 4, 2005
This is getting out of control. Just as we have ‘Is The Screen Protector Removable?”, I think a few more threads added to the important topics list so we can try to cut down on the amount of duplication, and I think these should be individual topics and not lumped into one big GP2X problems thread. Here are the topics I think really need to be created:

Battery FAQ:
FAQ should answer questions about what kind of batteries and chargers are known to work well and what how long the battery life should be. The goal is to stop the countless “wah! my gp2x only ran 45 mins” threads.
Example Threads:

FAQ Should address how to verify if you are having a hardware or software related problem and how to address them. On the software side OS configuration for Windows, Linux, and MacOS, will need to be covered. On the hardware side the solder issue will need to be explored, as well as using a Linux live cd to test if your not just experiencing Windows USB stupidity.
Example Threads:

Sound FAQ:
FAQ will need to cover the mono-stereo problem as well as problems related to the headphone jack itself.
Example Thread:

Joystick FAQ:
FAQ will need to cover this issue as well as when and how you should loosen the joystick in order to fix problems.
(and others)

Video FAQ
FAQ will need to cover what codecs work, how to transcode, when future codecs will be added, and known problems with the video player.
Example Threads:

Should I get a GP2X now or Wait?
FAQ should cover what all the known issues of the GP2X are and who the target market currently is (early adopters). The goal is to let people know what they are getting into before they get a GP2X.
Example Threads:

The GP2X Problems Thread
-Place your complaints here
Create a catch all thread for all bitching, lock bitching that does not occur in said catch all thread.

So if you currently know a lot about one of these topics, please write up an FAQ and coordinate with a mod (EvilDragon) to get it stickyed. Sound good?
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why not add wiki pages and add a sticky which points to the wiki?

this way users can add new answers.

it's way better than sticky's that are never updated.

Another advantage is this: forum threads are pretty unorganized. It's a real pita to find the information you're looking for inside tons of chit-chat. A wiki presents the information. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you find a mistake - just go ahead and change it.

Just my two cent. I have no problem either way. Just want to keep teh stupid work as minimal as possible.
why not add wiki pages and add a sticky which points to the wiki?

this way users can add new answers.

it's way better than sticky's that are never updated.

Another advantage is this: forum threads are pretty unorganized. It's a real pita to find the information you're looking for inside tons of chit-chat. A wiki presents the information. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you find a mistake - just go ahead and change it.

Just my two cent. I have no problem either way. Just want to keep teh stupid work as minimal as possible.

That sounds like a very good idea to me.
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Ok, I've dropped this into a new Wiki page at Current GP2X Issues. All I've done is convert DijiTao's original message into Wiki format in the hope that somebody else improves it. I've also put a link somewhere sensible on the front page.
Ok, I've dropped this into a new Wiki page at Current GP2X Issues. All I've done is convert DijiTao's original message into Wiki format in the hope that somebody else improves it. I've also put a link somewhere sensible on the front page.

That's a great start.

However i think the wiki needs some publicity. A lot of same questions get asked recently (especial issues) and it seems like everyone gets through the whole stuff again and again. Why now just point new Users to the appropriate wiki pages?
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The FAQ forum could do with a link to the wiki. It's generally pretty weak at the moment - not really suprising that people have to reask old questions.
blah, put some more work into it... Somebody needs to help me out as I'm mostly pulling this out of my ass since my GP2X hasn't shipped yet.
I cleaned it up as good as I think I can given what I know, really need somebody else to apply some polish.
Wow 3 pages in a matter of hours.... *bump*

Really would like more publicity for the wiki..
great :D

that's what the wiki is for !

now we need..... publicity :)

following the mantra "take, take, take" (the white stripes - take take take (album: stay behind me satan)