Cheap (small) SmartMedia)


Random GP32/GP2X/Wiz & Pandora Moocher
Jul 20, 2003
Bath, Somerset, UK
Not sure if anybody can make use of this but it has to be worth a post.

eBuyer are selling 32MB SmartMedia for £4.62 each. Add to that £1.99 postage for upto about 6 cards and it is a fairly good deal.

Ok, so there not going to be of use for the Divx fiends however you can get a good about of homebrew on a 32MB card.


Edit: There prices on 64MB and 128MB cards are very good (64MB esp. as it is £12ish shipped).
You could fit alot of roms onto the 32mb smc

you could fit free launcher and the ne geo emu with all the ngpc roms and the B&W roms that wern't converted into colour

but thats if the roms are zipped so u would have to wait till zip support is supported but hey you can ahve coleco and atari 2600 roms on the cards its quite worth it i think :)

damn that's a great deal, that comes to US$30 for a single 128MB! I bought one for twice the price at Target, 3 months ago! Think I'll order two and make the Divx player a useful option..

(i remember getting an MP3 player 4 years ago.. getting 32MB cost me 100 bucks back then, and I thought it was a good deal! Whew..)
Since I live in America, I can find all my smartmedia cards off of pricewatch. Right now pricewatch has(the price includes shipping):

16 mb: $11
32 mb: $8
64 mb: $17
128 mb: $28
2 128s for £40 is good... but do 128MB Samsung ones for £17.99 delivered. They're getting a new batch in on the 12th apparently (I wrote to them asking why it was taking ages to deliver). But I can wait a few more days for that price :lol: