Multi Tasking

yes it is,
you could write for example a mp3 player without screen output that runs and than launches another app.
but i didnt try that yet.
just a question,
could i use mpg123 of a precompiled debian package and copy to the sd and write a script which starts mpg123 /mnt/sd/mp3_1.mp3 and then launch the TextViewer.
Right so far, though recall - as said specifically by Gamepark - it's not intended. So any multitasking like that will come from users.

On the upside for myself, I'll not be using the GP2X for music since I've got a Zen Micro, which makes things easier.
hmm by the way.. what about proting a linux console (emulator?) with a virtual keyboard? i would like to play arround with some console programs, but doing everything with scripts and no real output its kind of hard work.
Well, until a chatboard comes, I'm planning a couple of solutions for text entry, and will start them when my 2X comes.