GP2X Gp2x + Cellphone = Internet Access?


Still Fresh
Jan 23, 2006
I was wondering how feasible it would be to use a cellphone as modem for the GP2X. Besides porting the cdc-acm driver, ppp, and a browser what else would be needed? More importantly since the phone uses it's own power source, would it work if connected through the usb port?
90% of cellphones act like a normal modem when conencted over rs232, so conencing to the internet should be as simple as wireing it up and starting the right software.

ah and usb for internet is evil, as it is no standart, at rs232 you have the normal at modem standart so evrything works with the same drivers, and for dsl you use ppoe,
sure, evry device with a uart is capable of connecting/dialin over a standart modem.
have you seen the picture i mean, i believe it was on the gamepark site.

were there programs for the gp23 to do this, have you heard of people connecting to the internet using cellphones (maybe via gplinux?)... not that im ever going to do it, just interested.
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yes.. i know the pictures... but the gp32 never went online and i think the cable was never released. there isnt even software for it.
you can go online with gp32linux and a usb wifi stick, i am pretty sure that getting a cellphone/modem to work in it would be pretty easy.
Part of the reason I ask about the feasibility is because I do connect my cellphone (with an usb cable) to my laptop and use it as a modem whenever I don't have access to a wireless network. I think I would also have to create the device (ttyACM if memory serves).

Does anyone know of a good guide to compiling apps/modules for the GP2X? I use Fedora Core 3 on my laptop. Thanks!
I compiled the USB gadget serial modules from the 2.6 kernel using a makefile I nicked from the rt2x00 project on SoucreForge (wireless network drivers for linux). It's a pretty simple makefile, maybe it won't work for all modules though. It's included in the zip for the gadget serial stuff, linked from

(Don't get distracted by the actual gadget serial module, it's not what you want for talking to your modem - exactly the opposite in fact!)
@vimacs ok with gp32linux, i just talked about official Gamepark stuff..
linux could go online and i also tried it, worked great and was quite funny.
hope someone gets usb host working soon and ports a graphical browser :)
I've been using a USB-connected Cell phone on my laptop for the past week or so-- it's pretty horrible unless you are in a high-speed service area and pay for a special plan like Verizon's Something-Access that is over $50 a month. I got about 0.5-1.5K/sec downstream and nearly nonexistant upstream, plus godawful >1000ms latency both ways. This was near useless on a very fast laptop-- now add in the slowdowns in using a browser with bloated sites loaded with images on a portable device, needing to have it very well optimized for the machine, and control issues and you have a pretty nasty equation that doesn't look terribly worth the effort.

I think rigging up some means of wireless multiplayer via wifi or wired multiplayer via EXT port cable would be a more feasible and useful project really.