GP32 Screensaver for GP32


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Is it possible for someone to make a Screensaver for the GP32 ?? :D
I heard that turing the screen off while the GP is on can damage it, but I'm not sure. What we need is a hibernation function that when you press a button (yes, I think it HAS to be a MOD) it dumps the RAM to SMC and switches the power off. Then when it turns back on, it re-loads RAM.
Davey - No Iam not at School I finished at 12:15pm :D only had Maths for the first 3 hours :D

Friday Is the same... DT for first 3 hours then home at 12:15...

Monday I dont go in to school untill 1:00pm and I finish at 3:10pm

Ill tell u my time table on MSN sometime :D

anyway back to the GP32 Screensaver... I dont mean turn the screen off I mean put a moving image on, like a Spiral, Fish moving etc (Like standard Windows screensavers) that are on timers...
it wouldn't have to be a mod, the could put this in most programs, just copy all of the memory to a file on the smc, simple...then have a seperate program to load it...
What we'd actually be talking about'd prolly be a resident program that sat between whatever you were running and the hardware. OS-style. A firmware fiddle **might** do it, but I doubt it (I think firmware unloads, then the game loads. Or at least, whatever is left in mem from firmware becomes dead as it were).

It'd be nice if anyone came up with a way, but you'd have to be careful about allowing the user to configure the combo to get you into the menu - else you could find yourself in a position where one thing worked as a menu for the prog you were running and the same for the layer menu. Or something.

No idea how it'd be done though. Perhaps someone else does... Almost seems like I'm talking about a GP32 emu for GP32 with savestate ability. Which would be odd...
I've also heard that turning off the screen from software for long periods of time will hurt the screen. That seems like it would be a handy thing to do though. As for a "spiral" type screensaver like windows has, WTF is the point? I have this idea that people think burn-in is possible on a LCD screen, which it isn't. So what is the purpose of the screensaver?
An excuse for people to make cool graphical demos using the minimum possible CPU power?

Could make quite an interesting competition, actually - say that the CPU speed is 2MHz or less and see what people can come up with :D
I meant it to make the GP32 look more coool :D like say your using Wind-Ups with all the Icons etc and a Screen Saver comes on, it would look just like a proper computer :D
Get Mr.spiv to make 1

He made a great c64 type of intro that showed off the things the LCD hardware can pull off without using the cpu

It uses like 3% of the cpu i think can't remember but the lcd hardware does all the work :p
