Project 64 Emu With Controller?


The Dutchmaster
Mar 14, 2004
Manhattan, NY
I recently purchased a Logitech Rumble Pad 2 controller in hopes that I would be able to use it to play N64 games through project 64. After Installing the drivers, I simply cannot get the emu to recognize diagonals; I can only move up, down, left and right- and this sucks.

does anyone play any n64 emu's with a conrtoller, and if you do, how the hell did you get it to work properly?
I'm not sure I understand the problem... Which part of the controller is not registering the diagonals.

That being said the Dpad on the N64 doesn't use diagonals. It uses direction combinations to hit the diags.
The analogue stick uses two axes... so this is why I'm unsure about the problem you are having here...
Care to clarify?
thanks for the reply!

sorry for being unclear. basically, when I play an N64 game like mario, he cant run diagonally; he can only run straight, back, up, or down. I cant move diagonally, whether i'm using the dpad or the joystick. need more more info? i dont really know what to say... eveything seems to be configured properly; I don't understand it...
Well it could be anything! I do have some suggestions, however.

Try a different input plugin: NRage does a good one, so have a google :)
Sorry if this sounds patronising, but is your joystick analogue?
Also you may have to configure the deadzone and sensitivity of the analogue stick in the input plugin settings.

Hope something helps :)
interesting... When I open the emu and configure controls, the only options I see are for 'up, right, left, and down.' Is there something I'm missing?

@PokeParadox- N-Rage is actually inclued in P64, and it yields the same results :( I'm not sure if the joystick is analog; it may be, but why would this make a difference? And even if it did, wouldn't this be eliminated by using the d-pad?

thanks for all suggestions thus far!
I'm having trouble trying to figure what could be going wrong... You can tell if the joystick is analogue by going to the control panel and then game controllers. It should be listed there and if gradual movements of the stick make gradual changes on the test utility then it's analogue.

Incidently, this is what my config looks like for PJ64:
