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Propaganda?! I would be willing to guess, no, I would be willing to bet that you watch CNN. CNN has been making the war sound bad before it even started because the White House took a swing to the right in 2000. If there were a Democratic president in power right now, and they were covering the war, they would have made the whole thing sound good. CNN and almost all other liberal media are the most biased group of leftist to walk the face of the earth. Except, if there were a Democratic president in office right now, we wouldn't be at war. We would just let a ruthless dictator continue to kill his people and wait for the UN to make all of our descisions and wait until Saddam had the technology to destroy the free world and I don't just mean the U.S. And, by the way, I do watch Fox News and I'm proud of it.
Its not a war..... Its simply a persecution of a people. Israel has illegally occupied Palestinian land (Decided by the UN). They dont have to tell people to board planes, they can just send bombs and tanks to kill innocent Palestinian women and children and still get unbelievably massive amounts of "Aid" from the US administration.
Anybody who fight an illegal, immoral and brutal war can obviously be called brutal.

There we are at the UN again. It would WARM my heart to see Great Britain and the U.S. leave the UN. Look back in history at the conflict in Isreal. I mean way back to Biblical times and you will see that the land the Isreali's are occupying is THIER OWN! Bush aids Isreal because he knows his Bible.
starwarsnerd posted on Dec 14 2003 at 09:43 PM said:
And, by the way, I do watch Fox News and I'm proud of it.
To say that CNN is "left" is the funniest thing i have ever heard.

No sorry that award goes to, " And, by the way, I do watch Fox News and I'm proud of it."

I cant expect to change your minds, because i dont own a TV station, but how can you expect a News channel owned by Rupert Murdoch to engage in fair and unbiased news coverage??
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My god, what is really wrong with you people?

Do you not understand that the war with Iraq has really been going on for over 10 years? Ever since the attempted invasion of Kuwait in the early 90s over some bitter-batter about the shady border lines of the two countries, we've only been trying to keep Saddam at bay. We've had to keep him from invading certain airspaces and keep him from mobilizing his troops across unsanctioned borders. This was all going on especially during the Clinton administration. America has been mainly waiting for the right opportunity to kick Saddam out of Iraq.

Saddam has constantly been trying to take over regions sorrounding Iraq throughout his regime (Iran border conflicts, Saudi Arabia border conflicts). I think the fact that he assassinated the previous president of Iraq (after a failed previous attempt) in order to rise to power should say something for taking him out. Sure, people say 'Oh, but your damn American government helped him.' Sure, they did, under a DIFFERENT ADMINISTRATION. You people seem to fail to realize that our government's agendas can change rather drasticaly and rather rapidly over the course of just a few years. We do not keep presidents or major political leaders in office for decades like some countries (with the exception of congress, which we should amend, but that's for a later post).

And it is upsetting with Germany not helping us for whatever reason. It's understandable they didn't want to send troops or weapons due to their war history, but why couldn't they help us at all in any way?

I do not care whether or not you believe it was for oil or if you people are angry there were no WMDs. I don't care whether or not there were. It was called 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' from the start. I didn't necessarily agree with the methods of bombing Bahgdad right away. But I am still glad Saddam Hussein's not in power any more and that's one less DICKtator in the world. I wish we would take Kim Jong-Il out of power next. If you guys think that's wrong, maybe you should look up some pictures of the living conditions for the people of N. Korea vs. S Korea. Korea is just a country torn by a communist dictator.

I actually know more about the Korean conflict than the Persian Gulf conflicts, though.
Well done Zboy9, what a nice topic! All what the american government is good for is to abet people against each other. USA vs Iraq, USA vs France, USA vs Germany, USA vs the rest of the world. As we can see, they done it well. "If you ain't with us, you are against us" ... Thanks. Oh, Mr. Bush how well you studied the psychology of arabian people!

Its close to christmas now, so instead of making your present-list of electronic gadgets I recomment you to read the Gospel According to Saint Mark. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
look, all I am saying is that our friends Germany, France, and Russia would rather have Saddam in power now. Russia had oil contracts, France had weapons deals, and I don't know what Germany had. How can anyone stand up for a country like France, Germany, and Russia, when all they wanted was weapons inspections? Weapons inspections don't end brutality and the killing of children, ACTION does. More than 1 million people have died because of Saddam, and it seems like most of you don't give a hoot. If those countries above had their way, thousands more people would die. Think about that as you sit at home now. "If you aren't happy because Saddam was caught, that says a lot about you." *

*Bill O'Reilly
Your cowboy got his scalp, yea I'm happy with that. No matter that the arabian people face the same problems they had before.

"If you aren't happy because George Bush was not reelected in 2004, that says a lot about you."*


"... and at least he is the man who tried to kill my dad"*

* G.W. Bush
how do the Iraquis face the same problems they did before? Girls now have freedom to go to school, schools don't have to preach "praise Saddam" all the time. There aren't torture chambers where kids are killed anymore. Sure, there are a few bombs here and there, and I am NOT justifying it, I am just pointing out that kids won't be gased and shot anymore for saying anything against Saddam. If the people have to deal with the same things, I want to know what.

"If you aren't happy because George Bush was not reelected in 2004, that says a lot about you."*

Come on, stick to the subject. That was a four-year old comback.
zboy9 posted on Dec 15 2003 at 01:54 PM said:
If the people have to deal with the same things, I want to know what.

They still have not the right to decide their own destiny, they are vassals of the united states or are threated by the terrorism of islamic fundamentalists. They don't believe that freedom is delivered by american bombs. Many different population groups live in Iraq: 95% of them are muslims, 2/3 of them are schiites, the sunnites live in the north of iraq but not all of them are arabians. But they have not only to face religious contrasts in their country, it's the contrast between the orient and the occident. Basicly arabians are very proud people with a strong feeling of honour and pride. No matter if there is some sort of freedom on the way, we will see how the schiites deal with their new freedom now. But I'm not saying that the Baath-Regime was any better. It was a horrible dictatorship. Anyway, they feel deeply mortified by the united states and they don't see the americans as liberators but as occupants, and thats what they are.
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A part of me envy all of you who seem to be able to thrust your governement. To be happy when they say so on the news because THE bad guy has been caught. That all will be well, that we have violently and rightously attained peace. To be sad when they say the opposite. That A bad guy is on the loose and that it is our sacred duty to stop him. To feel this link to the community, to your own country. To believe and to feel as a part of something grand.

Well, as much as I envy those feelings, I can't let myself have them. I can't trust any big, secretive human machines. It's a little like big corporations who twist and hide facts for their own interests. Hand in hand with the media to push the masses to one side or the other. And the worst part, what I am most affraid of, is that all those big machines loose their humanity with all their layers. Even if it was composed of individuals with good morals and ethics, the output would be cold robotic and canibalistic.

I wish to you believers to never be labelled "the bad guy" by your governement. Because then you will feel the cold and exacting justice that your country usualy reserve to it's enemies. I'm not confortable with a leader who resorts easily to violence to solve his countrys problems just as I would with a father and his family.
zboy9 posted on Dec 15 2003 at 10:08 AM said:
look, all I am saying is that our friends Germany, France, and Russia would rather have Saddam in power now. Russia had oil contracts, France had weapons deals, and I don't know what Germany had.  How can anyone stand up for a country like France, Germany, and Russia, when all they wanted was weapons inspections? Weapons inspections don't end brutality and the killing of children, ACTION does. More than 1 million people have died because of Saddam, and it seems like most of you don't give a hoot. If those countries above had their way, thousands more people would die. Think about that as you sit at home now. "If you aren't happy because Saddam was caught, that says a lot about you." *  

*Bill O'Reilly
Again and again, it has been proved that you do not know what you are talking about, so why dont you just shut up and stop blurting out lies and propaganda that Rupert Murdoch has drilled into your skull.
People died in Iraq, yes because of Sadam, but also because of American and World economic sanctions put in place for 10 years.
America knew what type of leader Sadam would be when they put him in power........
Under both Reagan and Bush sr, the US sold Iraq chemical weapons which resulted in the atrocities in Halabja in 1988. However the US administration failed to strongly condemn the attacks and even partly blamed Iran for the massacre. The UK PM Tony Blair, at the time even failed to sign an early day motion in Parliament condemning the attacks They continued to sell Iraq weapons after the atrocity. The USA "regimes" were responsible for the millions that died under Sadam, and you now claim to have liberated the people you abandoned for 10 years after the first Gulf War. Does all this not show the hypocrisy on show here.
After the first Gulf War, there was an uprising of the Shi'ites in the South of Iraq. They were going to try and claim their country back. they asked America for help. they didnt ask for US weapons or money. All they wanted was to use the weapons that the US had captured during their attack on Iraq. America refused and left the uprising to be viciously slaughtered by Sadam.
I hate Sadam as much as you. however i dont go around supporting a party that whilst in power, funded Sadam and helped cause atrocities, and now claims a victory after overthrowing him.
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declaration posted on Dec 15 2003 at 04:41 PM said:
Again and again, it has been proved that you do not know what you are talking about, so why dont you just shut up and stop blurting out lies and propaganda that Rupert Murdoch has drilled into your skull.

Don't quote Zboy9 like that, you won't put him in a open state of mind with such statements. Please let me explain it again to you Zboy9:

The american governments got a very simple logic: they devide the mankind into good and evil. What a proof of deeply wisdom! Can it be for a good man to do ever something evil? And can a evil man ever do something good? No, thats impossible ...

Let me give you an example: We all know the terrible happenings of 9/11. Maybe, in time you will have a son (or a daughter) and try to explain him/her why arabian terrorists did kill so many people with this terrorist act. You can say, they did it because they are EVIL. But thats weak and dumb. Better tell them that they where fanatic and blindly thinking they got the right to do something terrible like that, because they feel that their people are suffering in deep injustice ... USA attacking Iraq was the same sort of fanatic and blinded action.
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Hey americans, Look at Irak today ! Do you think that country is living now better ?
Your soldier can not do anything to make order in Irak. They just killing peaceful people in the street. I do not say that Saddam is god or hi is good leader - totaly not. But when he was a president of Irak , rak people live in order.
Now in Bagdad is totally mess and americans can not do nothing to make this situation better.
( sorry for my bad english , i am russian ).
And it is upsetting with Germany not helping us for whatever reason. It's understandable they didn't want to send troops or weapons due to their war history, but why couldn't they help us at all in any way?

I think because of the German history they knew that war on this country isn't the right way to drop a dictator because it will harm the people more than the government.

I wish we would take Kim Jong-Il out of power next.

I agree with you here, but who is "we"? "We the Americans"? "We the people"? "We the united 'First World' governments"?
Well everyone made good points, however they were muddled in with bad ones that were rather off-topic. Let me make my points.

- No country, even an industrialized one, is perfect.

Especially America.

- No matter what, capturing Sadaam Hussein is good.

He was a dictactor with delusions of grandeur and an awesome temper.

- Iraq is better off without Sadaam.

Sadaam was milking Iraq same as we are.

- The American government probably is milking Iraq.

Like I said, we're not perfect.

- Evolution arises through struggle.

Sadaam isn't the type of person to go peacefully. Iraq has a chance to become a stronger country now. Do I agree with the events leading up to their freedom? Of course not.

There are positives, and then there are negatives. Thinking negatively really doesn't accomplish anything, as they only raise open-ended "what if this had happened" situations which cannot be realistically debated.
Fox News .....



Fox aren't right for news. They should stick to pumping out more unfunny Simpsons episodes and ruining other perfectly good sitcoms with ridiculous, ever-changing timeslots.
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