Why didn't you tell me about....


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I didn't know about my favourite ever platformer being available on the PC Engine! Anyone tried it on GPEngine? Why am I at work and not trying it for myself??
Yeah I think gng doesn't work on GPEngine, otherwise I would have it. Super GnG works brilliant on osnes, although it's not the same as the original imo...
Megadrive version is my favourite to date, but if the PC Engine version worked then sound would be nice.

DAIMAKAIMURA (Ghouls N' Ghosts) PC Engine Jap
Ghouls 'n Ghosts on the PCE is uses SuperGfx, which is not supported by the current emulator. Also one of my all-time favorite games, and very disappointing, it is a great version, but not playable on the GP32 (give it a whirl on your PC though!). As mentioned above, Genesis is probably the best version out there for the GP32, if you MUST have sound, try the Atari ST or SMS versions, neither as good as the genesis version, but with sound :).