Need to convert from Korean to English menus

Corellian Corvette

Still Fresh
Apr 22, 2003
Visit site
Got my GP32 direct from a friend in Korea. All the menus, manual, etc. are in Korean.

I've read here about a bios update. Is there a way to convert the menus from Korean to English?

Mr Spiv is the man with the firmware (bios) updates. He has a multi-firmware update available.

His site -

BEWARE however, a wrong flashed firmware can mean dead GP32, fresh batteries are a must and read all, the readme's available before even thinking of flashing.

Not for the faint hearted, and if you can get by without flashing then I'd not bother, unless you can afford to potentially re-invest £100 or equivalent on another GP32

I hope this helps

OK thanks - so HOW do you flash the bios?!? I have the file, just no instructions.

I'm willing to risk it - I have the file I just can't figure out how to flash the system.


Has a utility on it, I believe there's a readme with instructions in it.

For myself, while risking a flash, I would use the multi-fw... you can set it to default into the "original" look if you prefer that, and you won't have to reflash in the future if you decide you want to default into Windups or Pacrom instead.
Well, I never could get good instructions but I figured it out and it worked fine. Not sure what the big deal is as it went pretty smoothly. No problems at all.

Now I'm in english!

Can someone explain what the other Firmwares are? What is Pacrom and the other one mean?
Pacrom is a simple menu system, I believe intended to be faster than gamepark's original. The other two choices (other than the gamepark firmware, obviously) are to boot directly into wind-ups (try it and see if you like it) or to go to a PC-Link type application.