GP32 AGS for gp32?


Still Fresh
Jan 13, 2004
Ok Im editing this post, I thought originally I could get the sourcecode for this.
Maybe I can talk to the authors or reverse engineer the project.
I see that this is basically a scripting language, in any event this would be way more difficult than I originally thought. :angry:
Well, even if this is closed source the idea is still sound. Put together an interpreter for simple point and click adventure games like Sam and Max. Im trying to figure out right now how to go about it. I know that I basically need an array of generic room objects(Better linked list.) Each one will be accessed by its unique id or index. It will contain an array of items, their location on the screen, a description and whether or not they are obtainable. An array of enemies with similar components. And of course an array of doors with the id of the room that they open and any required objects to travel through this door.

So at the onset the game goes through a loop of loading information from a text game script into as many room containers as it needs.

-Draw current room id
-Draw the objects in current room id
-Draw enemies
-Draw cursor
-Initiate battle with any enemies
Main Loop
-Pole input
-Update cursor position
-If button push see if cursor was in the bounds of any object on the screen
-Animate walk to that object give its description and offer to take if obtainable
-Animate walk to the door and change the room id

Rough layout, give me your thoughts
Ok Ive thought more about this. It seems that what we really need is a hypercard type engine. We need cards with objects. When an object is selected it needs to do one or more of the following.
-Play animation
-Show object
-Hide object
-Obtain object
-Goto card

With this extremely simplified script engine really nice games could be turned out quickly.
Card shows a room with a switch object
when the switch is selected
switch is hiden
animation of switch turning off is played over where the switch was
and switch in down position is displayed

Im going to think more about this and figure out what coding is involved.
I dont care about game protection so Im not going to try to make an all out byte code interpreting engine. Just something to follow a plain text script of these cards and their objects.