Frodo 64 Savestates !


Wrote a newbee mail to Mike Dawson about saving in the frodo c64 emulator...

This is the reply... Let´s hope....

Writing to d64 images isn't supported in Frodo. It may be in the future as Christian Bauer has added support to the original version so I might have a go at porting that over.


TomVS wrote:
I hope I may bother you with a quick question.
Frodo on the gp32 is just great !!!!
Only one problem. Some games require to save info to disk... (gunship e.g.).
Is this function not supported in frodo or am I doing something stupid....
now THAT is a useful post, more of these and less of can the GP32 emulate a GBA
Now if only we could do something about the post whores, looks at myself and blipped :p
this is really promising

it sounds like he is talking about writing back to disk images tho- not save states. This would still be useful for games with built in save functions or highscore savers but not a substitute for savestates

any updates on frodo however, are always very welcome :D

EDIT: Just checked the frodo website and it looks like savestates are one of the new features after all. omg I can't wait!

What's new in Frodo V4.1?
The most important changes from V4.0:

Ability to save/load the emulator state to/from snapshot files
Ported to Win32 and Acorn RiscOS
Added Frodo PC, an improved line-based emulation
Sound support for Solaris 2.x
Fixed several bugs in the 6510/6526 emulation
Savestates would be brilliant - hope it gets included sometime.

I just got my GP32 today, bought it mainly as a portable C64 - it really works great :D

