Well, Curios George Does It Again...

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
Damn it all. Ive broken Dreamcasts, Saturns, Genesis's, Nintendo's, Game Gears, Game boys, my NEO GEO Cab, SNES's, fish tanks. But now, my precious GP FLU Unit. I was using a little windex (please dont flame me, it hurts enough) And ugly blotches came and stayed. I pulled up the screen, wiped it down with a polyester cloth, and the spots stayed, and a big black blotch resulted on top of the light guide screen. After prying that piece out, the screen (the light guide screen) cracked all over the place. Just like that. NON FLU> Long story short, i was dumb, then pissed, but still a little hopeful, as the light guide screen itself very much looks like your average joe out of an afterburner GBA kit. Wish me luck guys. I swear, i didnt want to hurt my GP32.
damn man if i ever have you over at my house you aint even touching my TV with the dial!

Aside from the surprise of your unluckyness towards the awesome things you own, i'd say: become obessive compulsive with your care of things, don't do extream shit, keep it well protected and shit... and do not fuck with it unless a friend whom knows wtf they are doing comes over XD

god man, electronics *and glass* do not like you
Ive broken Dreamcasts, Saturns, Genesis's, Nintendo's, Game Gears, Game boys, my NEO GEO Cab, SNES's, fish tanks.

wow, you should enter that in the guinness book of world records.
Man, get lost whit technology, u have no luck.

quote: Ive broken Dreamcasts, Saturns, Genesis's, Nintendo's, Game Gears, Game boys, my NEO GEO Cab, SNES's, fish tanks.

u broke a dc? how u do that? ..man...that poor wonderful console...
as well as neogeo, genesis..lol...did u hammered them?


don't and i mean DON'T use gba things, like afterburner flu kit. simply it finish to screw ur gp32. just read the official gp32 faq for non flu users man. and dunno what u have to do whit an AR Film replacement....remeber that gba screen it's more small than gp32 one.

Yeah he's got a point the screen sizes are way different. Is it possible to get a replacement directly form the company or prehaps one of the online stores offer a repair service?