GP32 Gxe Help!!!!


Still Fresh
Jan 10, 2004
i have got gp cinema but i carnt get it to open when i install it to gp32 what am i doing wrong.
I think its because he's using some alternative firmware or something, I cant figure out how to open .gxe's from pacrom or wind ups either. If thats not it I have no idea why it wont work. To run GP cinema I have to use the official firmware instead, which sucks because it means I have to reboot my GP32 and switch from the default firmware just to watch a movie. Does anyone know how to run .gxe's from wind ups? Like, say, as an icon?
>> I have to reboot my GP32 and switch from the default firmware
launching an gxe from wind-ups is impossible, but, instead of always rebooting your gp, you can launch the offical fw directly from wind-ups! (for example, you can find the first official bios in .gxb format (launchable under wind-ups) at (but it is in french..))