Recent content by aug

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    So What Are The Musts For You?

    don't care much for games (not saying I won't play any, just that they alone wouldn't be a reason to pay money for a device). Two uses: * a terminal with a good-looking font (Terminus) to ssh to my server, on which everything is running (as in mail, IMs, IRC, RSS-feeds, Usenet-client, that sort...
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    esc, and the other vital key to me is control .. main use for a pandora for me: ssh into my shell on my server, reattach the screen. and for screen, you need ctrl+a .. always.
  3. A

    Reordering Deadline

    so do I understand this correctly that it will be possible to pay with an inner-German bank transfer (well, inside Euro-Zone is enough for me, but Germany finest)?