Recent content by bleeeer

  1. bleeeer

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Hey @EvilDragon any chance of a new update thread? Hasn't been an update all year.
  2. bleeeer

    Not much text here. Just a video.

    Much prefer text posts personally.
  3. bleeeer

    Update regarding the cases (and some other things)

    Well this has certainly been the most interesting thread in a while. Did m@t delete their comments?
  4. bleeeer

    Comprehensive Status update!

    Great work ED, I've been following this (and the Pandora) for a long time, really great to see it come to fruition - your attitude and work ethic are really something you should be immensely proud of. Looks like the GPD Win is about to start shipping, it will be interesting to see how reviews go.
  5. bleeeer

    A hard decision to make...

    I'd look into getting a Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, cheapest and best phone out at the moment - though you'll probably have to import from Hong Kong.