Recent content by chuckstudios

  1. C

    Should We Move? - Forum Transfer Discussion

    May I interrupt this flamewar to present something of interest? I've finished my archiving tool. Here are a few different threads backed up into XML format with it, tell me what you think: CODE The message node can be decoded into full HTML...
  2. C

    Wireless Security?

    Will the Pandora have the capability at its release to interface with WPA networks secured with PEAP? My new school uses this security scheme and I'll probably only preorder one if it will be capable of this.
  3. C


    Well, I just got my GP2X and I want to make a skin for it. Where can I get programs, etc to skin for FW2.1.1? Also, I read that the skins need to be placed on the NAND memory. Is there a way to access this from a computer? (running WinXP)
  4. C

    Where To Buy In Us?

    Since gp32z or whatever is now one of those ghey advertisement sites, where can I get a GP2X in the USA?