Recent content by COBA.NET

  1. C

    What libraries will you be using for Comp?

    Never tested it. I just tried to launch a demo program and i realized SFML wasn't installed ! Congrats, you found a "bug" ^^. --EDIT: Yes, it's "me", it's the shop account.
  2. C

    Release Cannonball - The Enhanced C++ Outrun Engine

    Slow on my CC, but much better than previous releases !!! Thx ! A lot !
  3. C

    1 Ghz Overclocked Qemu testing request

    Try to compile it static, so it should run on Zaxxon.
  4. C

    4 Ways to install Pandora Slackware(Windows/Linux/Zaxxon)

    Use the GParted Live-cd:
  5. C

    Pandora seems to be dead.

    You can also try to put back the battery while the AC is connected. It's not recommended to do so, but it may work.