Recent content by cosmic

  1. C

    Alter Ego - C64

    I have the same findings, anyone know about availability and compatibility for other platforms??
  2. C

    Alter Ego - C64

    Can anyone point me at a version of Alter Ego for the C64 that is compatible with frodo? many thanks
  3. C

    eBook viewer

    i have to say this idea is really interesting i hope you develop this further. Many thanks
  4. C

    pheonix nights fans

    you should be able to cut a link from edonkey or emule and paste it into a message on this here board :blink:
  5. C

    pheonix nights fans

    so post a ed2k link then :rolleyes:
  6. C

    Save in sms32 ?

    that explains it then, thanks. saved me from asking :-)
  7. C


    Don't you mean that there is a ton of txt format books out there. as far as i can see its one of the most common formats
  8. C

    Games emulated

    thanks for the input guys :D
  9. C

    Games emulated

    I assume that the PCengine games that are emulated are the older roms and not the later CDroms? I have seen some games that are over 50meg in size - should I ignore these??
  10. C

    My first gp32 video

    Thats an Edonkey or Emule link you've posted then. I have added to my dload list - which server are you on??? (side note- I've been monitoring the Gp32 Situation for months and this is my first post :-))