Recent content by Dark Leth

  1. D

    Ryo For Guru! He Deserves It!

    Of course, this would have nothing to do with the fact that you had a competing thread about stick replacements, no? <_< As for Ryu, I do think that he deserves at least some designation as a skilled coder, if not the Guru label.
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    Gp2x In The Bathroom

    Dude... WHY? Circumcision isn't medically necessary.
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    GP2X Getting Started On Development On Gp2x

    Hah, I know, I just want to get the resources ready so that I can plan a natural progression. This will be a long, arduous process.
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    GP2X Getting Started On Development On Gp2x

    Yaustar, I am learning how to at the moment. I'm fairly good in CSS/HTML/XML at the moment, and I've delved a bit into python. Donny, I may end up doing that instead. I'll have to see how much modification my plotline and characters will require. For the rest, thank you for your suggestions.
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    GP2X Getting Started On Development On Gp2x

    What programming languages, libraries, compilers, etc., would you all recommend for a newbiew game designer? I am interested in creating a Quake-esque shooter set in Poland, but that's not really the point at the moment. ;) Any help would be appreciated.