Recent content by Dr Cain

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    Doukutsu Monogatari ~ Cave Story

    It runs very well actually, just needs a little more polish. The controls work pretty well too.
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    D1x Rebirth

    Full version 1.4 works, if you don't have 1.4, patch it.
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    D1x Rebirth

    Great! but controll was a bit harder than i thought :)
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    Gp2x Reader

    Uh, you can use dos2unix and unix2dos to convert your files between CR+LF and LF.
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    Same for me, character portraits in Shadowrun are missing.
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    Gp2x's Lifetime

    Since the filesystem uses write balancing, it's not really a problem since the NAND is written evenly. Still, no writes at all is the best solution, but don't expect to be able to save your settings :P
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    Gp2x's Lifetime

    Desolder and replace the nand :P Problem solved. It's made of industry standard components, pretty much everything can be replaced if you're willing to spend the time and have the skill.
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    Gph Lcd Slider

    Make something with alternating lines of black and white too, so the interlace effect can be seen.
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    donny662: ffdshow has excelent audio decoding support, it can even reencode and software mix to AC3 (dolby digital) if you want.
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    Gp2psx V0.35

    Scanlines isn't such a good idea, because on a TV we can have 768x576 (full Interlaced PAL), but PSX only typically uses half that, ie 288 lines in PAL, or 240 lines in NTSC. Both are drawn at 50 or 60 Hz. The GP2X only has 240 lines, so 320x240 at 60 Hz is the ultimate goal.
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    GP2X Zmodem For Gp2x

    Bi-modem kicked ass when sending files to your friend.. he could also send you files at the same time.. and you could chat during the sending session :) Those were the days.
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    Scanlines Again

    Sounds strange that they feed the lcd through the TV encoder, but makes sense.. Anyway, keep us posted on your progress on figuring this out.
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    Scanlines Again

    But seriously, has someone gotten in contact with the company that makes the LCD? Last I've heard it seems that GPH almost guessed the right settings for the LCD, which isn't very odd of them. Anyway, it would really be nice if we could get or hands on specifications on the LCD screen so we can...
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    Gp2psx V0.33

    Front Mission 3 seems to works just fine, but it's extremly slow still. EDIT: still slow at 280 MHz
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    Clonekeen 0.1

    I second that, I never really got attached to keen 1-3 like I got to keen 4-6.