Recent content by fdnyubergeek

  1. fdnyubergeek

    How Many Devices Do You Carry At A Time?

    at least 4 - that's the baseline :ph34r: Blackberry 93xx Touch Pro2 Nextel Fujitsu u810 then sometimes the zune, nokia n770, n810, psp, reb-1150... I am hoping the pandora can consolidate some of these devices for me. not to mention drivers ranging from 16gb to 1 tb with images and software...
  2. fdnyubergeek

    Advertising The Pandora

    Well, if you are not going to send a Pandora to Engadget reviewers, I live in WIlliamsburg Brooklyn and have ordered one, and many of the Engadget writers live near me. I could always offer to set up a meet with them and let them have a go.
  3. fdnyubergeek

    What's The First Film You Will Watch On The Pandora

    Clerks 1 and 2, Jay and Silent Bob Strike back!
  4. fdnyubergeek

    Port Request Possibility

    Awesome. Are there any good walkthroughs around for porting apps between distros? I am a releatively new linux user, and part of the reason I bought a pandora was to learn the linux world better.
  5. fdnyubergeek

    Port Request Possibility

    Just curious how easy/would it be possible to port apps from Maemo? My fav image viewer was Quiver, and I was curious if it could be done/how to go about doing it. Also MCEGuru, and there was another app that made your n810 into a bluetooth keyboard and touchpad for your pc. Thanks for any help...
  6. fdnyubergeek

    What Are The First Few Things You're Gonna Do With/download On You

    Mmm... load up the NES, SNES, and GBA emus first and go for some old school gaming. Then maybe some Sega Master system and Genesis emus and roms. After that play around with Dreamcast, N64, and PSX. Watch movies, surf the web. See about installing FBreader for epub goodness and Comix for my...